Non-Custodial End of Year Update and feedback from your Departmental Committee
As we approach the end of 2024 and move into the 126 year of the Public Service Association, we thank our members and delegates for their hard work and dedication and provide the following update.
Work Flexibility (Custodial settings) – Including working from home and flexible work hours.
Successful trials of work from home have been undertaken during 2023, where it has been demonstrated that some access to working from home has resulted in:
- Improved key performance indicators (KPI’s)
- Less unplanned leave
- Improved staff retention
- Safer workplaces (reduction in bullying/harassment incidents)
With the reforms that were implement earlier in the year all non-custodial staff report through Security & Custody and we have requested to meet with the Deputy Commissioner of Security and Custody to discuss work flexibility (access to work from home days and the use of your bandwidth hours to achieve a work/life balance). The Public Service Association (PSA) is frustrated with the lack of engagement; therefore, if the request to meet is denied the PSA will lodge a dispute with the Industrial Relations Commission (IRC) to assist in pushing for your hard-won rights. The “If not, why not?” statement by the NSW Government stipulates that if an employee’s request to work flexibly is denied, the employee must be provided with reasonable reasons why not.
Community SAPOs.
The PSA has received feedback from Services and Program Officers (SAPOs) that have transferred to the community, and we will be sharing this feedback with CSNSW. The feedback received can be summarised with the following:
- A clear framework is needed for SAPOs in the Community.
- Key KPIs for community based SAPOs must be provided; and
- How do we ensure the safety and wellbeing of staff by following best practice that years of monitoring and reviews of running these programs have built over time?
Apart from the negative feedback, we will also share examples of what is working well, with the aim of assisting the department in delivering the best possible outcomes to the Community and for our members.
Complex Placement Unit (CPU) MRRC – The PSA has requested to be included for the review meetings into the CPU and have expressed concerns about the current operation and safety of members and inmates. The first meeting is most likely to occur in early February 2025.
Psychology Award Working Group – consisting of delegates from Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW), Community Services, Police and Youth Justice along with the PSA’s Legal and Industrial staff continue to meet amongst themselves and with Public Services Industrial Relations. Further meetings are scheduled in mid-January, and we will send updates as negotiations continue. The PSA is committed to modernising the award and achieving real improvements in employment arrangements for Psychologists across the public service.
For further information contact Thane Pearce
Mallard Inquiry
The PSA continues to push to get an update in relation to the Mallard Inquiry and what steps and processes are in place to ensure actions are addressed and Members can participate in safe workplaces.
Strong Local Branches
The PSA is interested in assisting Workplaces with the election of local delegates and the setup of local branches/workgroups. With the win of having paid union meetings during work time, this is a great opportunity to raise and address issues locally and be supported by the PSA.
Supervision for Non-Custodial Staff
CSNSW Executive notified the PSA at the recent JCC that a project is underway to roll out supervision to non-custodial staff. The jobs that you do are critical and can have a great impact in relation to your mental health. This is a welcome direction from CSNSW, and we look forward to the detail earlier in the year.
Non-Custodial Departmental Committee Election
The election for the Non-Custodial Departmental Committee (NCDC) will be held in the first half of next year. More information will be provided when available.
Education – Update
Regular meetings have been held with Corrective Services Industry Education (CSIE) and your education delegates in relation to roles, responsibilities and workload. Progress has been made and discussions are ongoing.
Sick Leave Reviews
There are still incidents of sick leave review meetings, even when sick leave has been taken and medical certificates have been lodged. We continue to raise our concerns, especially in light that you can be directed to take leave when you test positive for COVID.
The PSA is here to assist and offer advice. Talk to your delegate or contact the MSC so they can be addressed before they develop into issues.
Your non-custodial delegates are:
- David Gould (Chair & Education Advisory Group)
- Stewart Burkitt (Secretary & Education Advisory Group)
- Fiona Innis (Vice Chair & Psychology Advisory Group)
- Kathy Dwyer (Admin)
- Kristy Donlan (Education Advisory Group)
- Kim Vodic (Education Advisory Group)
- Sam Ardasinski (Psychology Advisory Group)
- Amy Sowerby (Psychology Advisory Group)
- Peter Zabilka (Psychology Advisory Group)
- Mary Sanna (Psychology Advisory Group)
- Teena Kennedy (Psychology Advisory Group)
- Linda Codling (OS & P)
- Maggie Bolger (OS & P)
- Amanda Jones (OS & P)
- Sonya Grimas (Custodial Case Management)
- Ryan Ward (Custodial Case Management)
- Rashelle Hood (Rosters)
- Evangelia (Angie) Paravalos (Sentence Admin)
- Cameron Powell (Classification)
Your PSA Industrial Staff: