POVB Bulletin – Outcome of Allegations of misconduct for Industrial Action
As POVB members would be aware, a large number of officers received allegations of misconduct for not returning to work over the weekend of 27 and 28 March 2021.
By now, most of our members should have received a “Warning Letter”. This letter is not a misconduct disciplinary outcome. Instead of imposing a disciplinary outcome, CSNSW has decided to issue this letter.
When being served your letter, the Governor MOS will probably ask you to sign a notice of service. This notice is only indicating that you have received the letter and it is okay to sign for it.
Although this letter will be kept on your personnel file for 1 year, it is not disciplinary and should not be used against you for:
- Increments;
- Casual to ongoing; and
- Promotional opportunities.
If you believe that the letter has prevented you from an opportunity, contact the PSA/POVB.
Finally, because this is not a disciplinary outcome, it cannot be appealed at the IRC.