Workplace Bullying Survey – Housing – North Coast.
The Public Service Association of New South Wales has been aware of persistent bullying within the workplaces of its members. We have recently conducted a detailed survey using internationally recognised questions to ascertain the extent to which our members are subjected to the unprofessional behaviours associated with workplace bullying. The headline results from the survey are:
All respondents reported being subjected to one form or more of the unprofessional behaviours associated with workplace bullying by their manager in the last year:
- 67 per cent were subjected to humiliating behaviours
- 60 per cent had information withheld from them
- 60 per cent had their efforts and work devalued
- 53 per cent were repeated reminded of blunders or mistakes 41 per cent had gossip or rumours spread about them
- 53 per cent were subjected to silence or hostility in response to questions.
These figures are further amplified by the extent of their occurrence on either a weekly or daily basis:
- 33 per cent were subjected to silence or hostility in response to questions
- 27 per cent had information withheld from them
- 27 per cent had their efforts and work devalued
- 27 per cent had gossip or rumours spread about them.
In addition, 33 per cent reported being threatened by their manager in the last year – hardly conducive to a healthy working environment.
What is also clear, is that where our members have been subjected to bullying behaviours within their workplace, they are unlikely to instigate either a formal grievance process or make a Work Health Safety Report. The reason for this is a widespread lack of faith in both the reporting systems or management in supporting our members. We encourage all our members, at the very least to document these behaviours and make a Work Health Safety Report.
There can be little doubt that there is a significant issue with workplace bullying within Housing on the North Coast.
If you would like to raise any issues around either your experience or witnessing of workplace bullying, then please contact your Regional Organisers Rebecca Reilly on 0419980503 or Michael Smart on 0429060499.