End of Year Update from your Schools PSA Delegates – Admin, Science, Learning Support, GAs, SSOs and School Psychologists - Public Service Association

End of Year Update from your Schools PSA Delegates – Admin, Science, Learning Support, GAs, SSOs and School Psychologists

The PSA is a truly democratic union with elected delegates, from across the classifications in schools, that come together quarterly to discuss workplace issues that members are facing. Delegates are essential to the success of the union and they work side by side with PSA staff to improve the working lives of all our members in schools.

This year, your delegates have given their all not only so that issues relating to Covid were dealt with but to ensure, along with your PSA Organisers and Industrial Officers, that all workplace issues were raised in the appropriate forums so that we can work towards resolving them.

Below is a short wrap up of the top issues and successes that delegates have been working on for you.

Your schools delegate committees are:

The Schools Departmental Committee SAO Science Vocational Advisory Group
Special Education Working Group School Psychologists Vocational Advisory group
Admin Working Group Student Support Officers Vocational Advisory Group
General Assistant’s Advisory Group


Schools Departmental Committee

  1. Worked side by side with PSA staff to continue to highlight the drastically high numbers of long term temporary staff in schools and deliver a new fact sheet and template letter for members seeking conversion.
  2. Met with the new Secretary of Department of Education and raised School Administrative and Support Staff, and General Assistant issues like appropriate training and permanency for LTTs directly with her.
  3. Kept on top of the daily changes to Covid requirements and worked with PSA staff to collect feedback from members so the union could raise any issues occurring in schools at the weekly consultation meetings with the Department of Education Covid taskforce.

Special Education Working Group

  1. Went through the School Learning Support Officer (Student Health Support) transition documentation with a fine toothed comb to identify all potential issues for members in this group and systematically progressed improvements to the process with the Department of Education.
  2. Highlighted the need for more face to face training for School Learning Support Officers that is relevant to their role, particularly those performing Student Health Support (previously Health Care Procedures). To download the PSA Fact Sheet on first aid, medications and student health support click HERE
  3. Created the SLSOs PSA NSW Facebook Page, which has grown to over a thousand members in just two months. To join the group click HERE


General Assistants Advisory Group

  1. Said farewell to longstanding GA member, delegate and PSA Organiser Brett Hammond. The committee thanked Brett for all his hard work for GA members across the state. Latu Sailosi is the new GA Organiser.
  2. Provided information and education around cleaning hard surfaces and air-conditioning filters giving members the language and information they need to have conversations with their supervisors about workload and safety.
  3. Finalised the PSA General Assistant’s Toolkit. The toolkit is a one-stop-shop for GAs to learn about their workplace rights and conditions, which will be provided to members in 2022.


SAO Science Vocational Advisory Group

  1. Successfully highlighted the need for training for SAO Science members which resulted in the roll out of Introduction to Science Part A theory online course.
  2. Created an open dialogue between the SAO Science Vocational Group and the DoE giving us a voice on important workplace matters.
  3. After two years of delegates actively pushing for an update the Department finally committed to a review of the 20-year-old Chemical Safety in Schools (CSIS) package. The SAO Science Group remains in ongoing discussions with the Department about updating this important resource.

Admin Working Group

  1. Successfully highlighted the staffing inequity between High Schools and Primary Schools, in particular for schools with over 1800 students. Under resourcing will continue to be a key priority in 2022.
  2. Meeting with subject matter experts and the Executive Director of Shared Services, to provide feedback on school level operation of the NO PO/NO PAY resulting in improved communication and support.
  3. Continually raised the issue of increased workload resulting from Covid measures pushing the Department to improve their communication and processes in a continually changing environment, to better support SAS Staff at the school level.

Student Support Officers Vocational Advisory Group

  1. Have the fastest growing membership in the schools portfolio since the creation of the Student Support Officer classification.
  2. Elected three dedicated SSO delegates who attend inductions and work alongside PSA staff to represent the interests of members.
  3. Surveyed the whole Student Support Officer (SSO) membership to determine the collective priorities for the new delegate group. Many of the non-members who responded have now joined and become PSA members.


School Psychologists Vocational Advisory Group

  1. Ran a second survey of whole School Psychologist membership to determine the collective priorities for the union and delegate group.
  2. Created a School Psychologist Facebook Group to support the group to communicate across the state, to share ideas and tips on navigating their role in schools.
  3. Worked with PSA staff to push for a stand-alone School Psychologist Award, with the Department of Education finally agreeing to negotiations in November.

From all your delegates and staff at the PSA, have a safe and happy holidays!

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