PSA Leadership - Public Service Association

PSA Leadership

Stewart Little
General Secretary

PSA General Secretary Stewart Little has extensive experience in the areas covered by the union.Stewart joined the PSA in 1995 when he worked in the NSW Parliamentary Library and Research Centre.

He has also worked as a Disability Support Worker before the sector was privatised by the previous Liberal National Government.

In 2016, Stewart was elected PSA General Secretary, winning a second term in 2021.

One of the first decisions he made as General Secretary was to pursue a pay rise for members in NSW schools, believing their low wages was due to gender bias towards a woman-dominated sector of the workforce. The PSA won this case, winning pay rises as high as 36 per cent for members.

Stewart has upped the union’s campaigning against privatisation, making it a key focus in the state election that removed a three-term conservative government that had sold billions in state assets to the private sector.

In addition, he has improved the union’s focus on mental health in the often-stressful workplaces members are employed in.

In 2024, Stewart was elected Secretary of the CPSU (SPSF) Federal Branch.

He has also worked at the Police Association and the Amalgamated Metal Workers Union.

He has long been a passionate advocate for women in football.

Troy Wright
Assistant General Secretary

After graduating with a degree in social work, Troy Wright began working for Corrective Services NSW as a Probation and Parole officer in 1997. Over the next 13 years he worked in a variety of roles including the Home Detention program, Long Bay Parole Unit and finally two years as a member of the State Parole Authority.  Having joined the PSA almost immediately, he soon became a delegate on the Vocational Branch and involved in disputes regarding fair workloads and safety in the workplace.

Having completed an LLB on a part-time basis across eight years, in 2010 he joined the CPSU Federal Office as a National Industrial Officer, where he worked until his election as PSA Assistant General Secretary in 2016. He was re-elected to this role in 2021.

Since his election he has been passionate about growing the union, reversing NSW’s wages cap on public sector workers and ending the state’s addiction to privatisation.

He is particularly  interested in the federal industrial relations jurisdiction and utilising its powers where it applies to traditional State public sector entities to protect the rights of workers in privatised arms of government.

His appetite for public sector industrial relations is second only to his obsession with the South Sydney Rabbitohs.

He is in his second term as Assistant General Secretary of the PSA CPSU NSW.


Nicole Jess
Nicole Jess

Nicole Jess is now President of the union she joined when she started work as a Prison Officer at the age of 20.

Nicole has a long association with the union, serving as a delegate for more than a quarter century and becoming the first women to chair the Prison Officers Vocational Branch (POVB).

She was Chair of the POVB as Prison Officers dealt admirably with keeping COVID-19 out of the state’s gaols as the pandemic spread.

Nicole has been on the PSA’s Executive for more than 10 years, moving from Vice President to Senior Vice President to the Presidential role over five terms.

A champion of diversity, Nicole has helped establish the union’s first ever LGBTQI Council.

She is currently on the board of Public Skills Australia, providing a range of services to the public safety and government workforces. For the board, she chair the Corrections Committee.

She is passionate about member wellness, mental health, and respect in the workplace. Her future goals for the union include:

  • establishing a disability group for PSA members and addressing the concerns for members with disabilities in their workplaces.
  • wellness and resilience training package for Delegates.
  • continuing to advocate for women members to get equal pay, address women homelessness, safety in the workplace and at home, and strive to get superannuation paid when on maternity or paternity leave.
  • better raise the matter of psychosocial hazards to government and departmental heads and push for significant programs in workplaces to help with creating safe workplaces, build resilience, and provide positive and professional workplaces.


Juliet Sizer
Juliette Sizer
Senior Vice President

Juliette Sizer is a School Admin Manager at Bangalow Public School and has worked in the NSW education system for more than 30 years.

A unionist all her working life, she has been a PSA Delegate since 2003 and the PSA Senior Vice President since 2021.

Juliette is passionate about members’ job security, workload and proper recognition for the skills required in today’s schools.

As Chair of the Schools Departmental Committee, she is passionate about issues such as violence in schools and work overload, and keen to see the school staffing formula rewritten to meet current demands.

A keen advocate for job security, she lobbied two governments to implement the Temporary Workforce Transition project, which saw more than 8000 support staff in schools gain permanency.

Juliette was  instrumental in bringing the PSA on board as a sponsor for Stewart House.

She is keen a dragon boat enthusiast, as a paddler, coach, sweep and official.


Shelley Odewahn
Shelley Odewahn
Vice President

An Equitable Learning Facilitator  at University of NSW, Shelley Odewahn has worked in the tertiary sector since 2000, joining the PSA CPSU NSW the day she received her first full-time pay packet.

A delegate for nearly 20 years, Shelley is keen to address workplace flexibility, insecure employment and change management processes.

In her first term as vice-president, Shelley wants to see improved workplace protections for women members. She wants to embed equitable and inclusive practices in all our industrial instruments, combat the superannuation gap resulting from changes to work due to primary caring responsibilities and ensure PSA CPSU NSW members’ voices are amplified through enforceable consultation processes

Shelley received an honorary degree from her former employer,  Southern Cross University, for her “commitment to truth telling, fostering inclusivity, empowering students with disabilities to make meaningful contributions to their communities and the world and delivering excellence” while working as Disability Inclusion Officer at that institution.



Alison Corrigan
Allison Corrigan
Vice President

The PSA Central Council elected Allison Corrigan as Vice-President of the union in 2024, filling a vacancy.

Allison joined the PSA when she started employment as a Caseworker in 2005. She became a Delegate soon after and serves in a number of roles representing Child Protection Workers across NSW.

Having worked in many different child protection areas, Allison is a dedicated Senior Caseworker and a fierce advocate of members’ rights so all workers can focus on the purpose of their service.

Allison has also worked in Disaster Welfare for more than 10 years, including as an Evacuation Centre Manager during the 2022 Northern NSW floods.

As a member of the PSA Leadership, Allison continues to strive towards changing the culture and practice of the Public Sector to one of excellence and dedication to achieve a more just society.

Central Council

Central Council is the PSA’s chief governing body.

It consists of the six-person Executive plus 39 delegates. It will hold two meetings per quarter a year.

6 members – General Secretary, President, Assistant General Secretary, Senior Vice President and two Vice Presidents – meets monthly.

Deals with policy, industrial and administrative matters and reports to Central Council.

Union Membership - Unity Strength Respect

As a union member, you are part of Australia’s biggest social movement. Your union’s strength lies in its size; the more voices we have, the greater our power to bargain for better pay, conditions and benefits. Join your union today.

  • Collective strength; being a union member gives you a stronger voice when dealing with your employer
  • Standing up for your job: the PSA campaigns for a better-funded, strong public service
  • Journey insurance; get protection to and from work
  • Member benefits: get great discounts on a wide range of products and services
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