ADHC Group Home rostering principals – June 2016 (PDF version)
Changes to ADHC Group Home and respite rosters.
Your union, the PSA, has received a number of questions from our members in Group Homes about changes to rosters and directions to take recreational (annual) leave.
If your workplace is closed or shifts removed from the roster, this does not mean you can automatically be directed to take recreation leave to cover the closedown period.
You can only be directed to take leave if you have accrued more than six weeks (30 days) recreation leave.
If you do not have 30 days accrued, they cannot direct you to take leave. If you do have 30 days’ leave accrued, the PSA advises members to put in a leave plan.
Shift work, Group Homes and leave.
All Disability Support Workers, including full-time and part time employees, are employed as shift workers on a 24/7 basis in accordance with the Award.
However, if there is no meaningful work or shift hours available at your regular Group Home or Respite Centre you can be directed to work at another Group Home or Respite Centre in the District. This is to make up hours you would have normally worked.
We also remind members of the rostering principles agreement 2010 which regulates the development of rosters. You can download a copy of the principles HERE.
Any change in the displayed operational roster must be notified verbally and in writing, where practical, to the staff member concerned.
The PSA will advocate for any reasonable leave plan please contact the PSA on 1300 772 679.