Barrett must oppose privatisation of critical regional disability services
PSA media release:
National Party candidate Scott Barrett must publicly oppose the Baird Government’s plans to privatise disability services and take a stand on behalf of the most vulnerable in the region said the Public Service Association (PSA).
The Baird Government are privatising the Department of Ageing, Disability and Home Care (ADHC) to make way for the NDIS knowing current services will not continue.
In regional NSW, where existing services are already stretched, the move will be a social disaster.
“If there was ever an instance when a Government needs to be held to account morally and ethically surely it is disability care privatisation,” said PSA Assistant General Secretary, Troy Wright.
“This Government has attempted to deceive the community by building up the NDIS as a some miracle cure, an all things to everyone all the time service provider knowing full well that many existing high level care services will no longer be available as they will be too expensive.”
“It is politics at its coldest, cruelest and most cynical.”
“There will be no NSW Government safety net or specialised provisions for those with costly high level needs.”
“The Government is not seeking to complement the NDIS with the expert services already provided by ADHC but instead is deliberately removing the largest and most experienced disability service provider from the equation.”
“How they can then argue that this reduction is somehow increasing choice is a complete mystery to me.”
“Many experienced carers, whose pay and conditions would be slashed under privatisation, can already see this crisis unfolding for their clients and are leaving the sector.”
“That means that people with a disability will suffer doubly: loss of existing services and experienced staff.”
“If Scott Barrett is going to stand up on any issue surely it must be on behalf of people with disability and their families. He must guarantee that the NSW Government will provide a safety net in the region for those unable to be accommodated by the non-Government sector,” said Troy Wright.