Bulletin to POVB Members
In the first week of July, a delegate representative of each POVB sub branch attended PSA House for the three day POVB Management Committee and Delegates to Management Meeting, meeting with CSNSW senior management on the third day.
The major issues that delegates raised to management were:
We are still waiting on the rostering principles to be amended and signed off by the Commissioner. Director Emma Smith stated that they will be completed in the coming weeks and as soon as the Directors have reviewed the changes then the Commissioner will sign off.
Vice Chair Darren King and Assistant Secretary Andrew Brown will go over the document to ensure what was consulted has been actioned in the principles.
They will also meet with Director Smith to address the issues of short notice rec leave, lack of assistance from the OSU to SCOs on the C and the B watch and the call in system.
KDWJ Award
The Commissioner informed delegates that it was close to sign off however he wanted John Morony to be included in moving over to the ‘traditional’ Correctional Officers Award. He believes that it will be achieved and that staff on the ground will not be affected in finding the savings.
HR Issues – increments, casual to permanent and project 800
We raised with CSNSW the issue of staff waiting long periods of time for their increments to be actioned.
CSNSW stated the talent acquisition is having trouble recruiting staff for the project 800 and that it is not achievable to reach that level by the end of the year as was expected. We raised that members are stating that they know of people that have been drastically culled, waiting to hear regarding the final step and they are having trouble getting in contact with talent acquisition.
We also raised that we currently have casuals who are on the talent pool, but have heard nothing from HR, so these staff members should be made permanent.
The above issues are happening across other agencies of PSA. The issue is that DCJ shared services were staffed previously with 22 staff to manage 6,000 staff members and they now have the same amount of staff to manage 11,000 staff. The workload is too high to manage. The PSA has lodged this matter in the Industrial Relations Commission. We will put out further bulletins when we have more information.
Sick Leave/Workers Compensation
Delegates raised that FMs are not contacting them when they are off on sick leave or workers compensation and that there is no support.
It was also raised that some locations have started doing sick leave reviews and there seems to be an inconsistent approach across the centres.
The POVB Executive reminded delegates to inform members that if they are having a sick leave review to invite a member of the POVB State Executive to attend as a support person.
CESU staff in the Northern region have had their certificates and leave form lost again. Assistant Commissioner Sue Wilson will investigate why this is happening and look at the process.
Safety Suite
Delegates raised that it is extremely difficult to report incidents on safety suite. They also reported that managers are closing issues when members put them on and there is no explanation as to whether the matter was resolved and no communication to the scriber.
The concerns will be tabled and we will meet the relevant staff in CSNSW on the matter and if it is not resolved then this matter will be lodged in the Industrial Relations Commission.
Several motions were voted on and agreed to.
They are below:
Motion 1
We the delegates of the POVB Delegates Committee request that the PSA pursue CSNSW to change policy and allow all CSNSW 7-day workers the right to accumulate 45 annual leave days instead of the current 30 days. It is the least CSNSW can do to show some appreciation to the sacrifices frontline workers have made over the last two and a half years.
The Commissioner will table this with the Minister and we highlighted that this will assist us whilst we are suffering from staff shortages.
Motion 2
We the delegates of the POVB Delegates Committee will not walk off parade unless:
- The post/s that are vacant are stated on parade
- If that post/s are tier response the manager will state who will take up that role.
Staff are also being subjected to ridicule or aggression due to raising issues with the VOR. If this continues around the state, then staff will evoke the safe staffing award.
If any centre is not having the above done on their parades contact the POVB State Executive and we will assist delegates on this matter.
Motion 3
We the delegates of the POVB Delegates Committee demand that the Sentence Administration position be reinstated at Broken Hill CC. The removal of the position has not been consulted on. The POVB of BHCC will not do any of the roles or duties of the vacated Sentence Administration Officer role.
Director Craig Smith will investigate this matter as he was not aware this had happened. However, there seems to be a move to reduce these non-custodial positions.
Motion 4
We the delegates of the POVB Delegates Committee do not have faith that DCJ is going to be able to achieve the Project 800 program. Additionally, there is the issue of permanency being offered to casuals and then removed. We request an urgent meeting between the POVB Executive and CSNSW regarding the below issues:
- Court casuals being offered permanency
- Project 800
- Future employment
- Why Project 800 is not working
- Bolt on rosters and funding
As stated above these issues are part of the Industrial Relations Commission matter.
Motion 5
We the delegates of the POVB Delegates Committee demand that managers start using the Issues register as per COP 21.9.
Managers are vetting issues and not approving them to be placed on the register for resolution.
Centres do not have clear direction as to who the issue forms go to be placed on the register.
Many centres are not having union consultative meetings to discuss the issues raised as per COPP 21.9.
Issues registers are not being placed on M drives.
This should not be an issue that is still arising.
Assistant Commissioner Anne- Marie Martin will ensure that these issues are addressed. Contact a POVB Executive if there is no change in your centre.
Motion 6
We the delegates of the POVB Delegates Committee request that Directors do a review of their centres Acting up as the POVB delegates do not believe it is being done fairly and equitably around the state.
This review should take place with a State Executive present to ensure there is fair/equitable distribution of acting up.
If this is not addressed within 28 days we will review the matter statewide.
The POVB Executive will monitor this motion and if it is not address it will be lodged in the Industrial Relations Commission.
Motion 7
We the delegates of the POVB Delegates Committee will not carry out contact visits if visitors are no longer required to be mandatory vaccinated whilst staff must be mandatory vaccinated.
We currently have staff that are facing disciplinary action due to not complying with mandatory vaccinations and could possibly lose their jobs, yet CSNSW are now happy to allow visitors to enter centres without the same compliance.
This motion has been sent to the Command Post and when it was discussed with the Commissioner it was stated if there is no mandatory vaccinations for visitors then remove the mandatory vaccinations for staff. The Commissioner stated he will raise this with the DCJ Secretary. At this time we have had no further information communicated to the Executive.
The minutes of the three-day Conference will be completed in the coming weeks and put out to delegates to distribute all members.
Contact Details
Nicole Jess
0427 609 199
Jason Charlton
Vice Chairperson
0401 500 976
Natalie Howes
0407 011 441
Andrew Brown
Assistant Secretary
0422 890 159
Darren King
Country Vice Chair
0407 935 039
Trevor Clark
Country Vice Chair
0447 282 778
Clinton Lamb
Vice Chair Overseer
0400 709 144
David McCauley
POVB Industrial Officer
0419 022 767
David Bartle
POVB Industrial Officer
0418 425 976
Trish O’Brien
Welfare Officer
0412 120 391