Your chance to send a message
I write to you today regarding the coming by-election in Wagga.
As you are probably well aware, Wagga is out of sight and out of mind as far as the Berejiklian Government is concerned.
Instead, it seems this Government’s sole priority is spending billions of dollars building totally unnecessary new stadiums in Sydney.
Meanwhile, it has slashed more than 300 public sector jobs in the Wagga electorate since 2012 and eroded the local economy in the process.
Our local schools have a backlog of basic maintenance and the courthouse still has not been air-conditioned.
The Government has destroyed TAFE, cutting more than $130 million and 4000 staff across the state, deskilling the future workforce and dramatically reducing training opportunities in areas such as the Riverina.
It has completely privatised the public disability sector and families all over NSW, particularly, in regional locations, are now watching the care of loved ones with disability go into free fall.
Now NSW is the only state in Australia with no government safety net for people with disability.
The Government also privatised the 150-year-old Land Titles Registry, a lynchpin in the state’s economy, in a move condemned by everyone from academics to property developers.
As NSW enters the earliest start to a bushfire season on record, the Berejiklian Government has slashed staff expert in bushfire management from National Parks and Wildlife.
We no longer have enough experienced staff to properly contain any major fire situation.
In my view, there is no greater threat to regional communities than this Government.
This by-election is a virtual referendum on the performance of the Berejiklian Government which, if re-elected, will continue down the same destructive path.
That is something I don’t believe NSW can afford.
For that reason, I urge you to send a message to the Government when you vote on Saturday on behalf of your family and your community.
Stewart Little
PSA General Secretary
CPSU NSW State Branch Secretary