As you may be aware, the NSW Upper House is currently conducting a parliamentary inquiry into the implementation of the NDIS and how disability services are being provided in NSW.
You can read the PSA and CPSU NSW submission HERE.
The Berejiklian Government cynically capitalised upon the introduction of the NDIS as an excuse to completely withdraw from the provision of public sector services and privatise the former functions of ADHC, forcibly transferring thousands of our members to potentially insecure work with non-government organisations.
The impact of this privatisation has been felt not only by our members working in disability services, but also those in other community services, such as justice, health and housing, who have had those being left behind by the NDIS turn up at their doors.
The ‘cookie cutter’ design of the NDIS has meant that many people with disability are not making the cut and in the absence of a public safety net in NSW, too many vulnerable people are falling through the cracks.
The feedback from our members has been that the quality of life for many people with disability and their families is tragically diminishing under a fully privatised disability sector.
The other 300+ submissions to the inquiry overwhelmingly agree.
The PSA and CPSU NSW believe that the NSW implementation of the NDIS has failed and that the only way forward is to restore a public safety net.
Hearings for the inquiry are scheduled for late September and early October.
The PSA and CPSU NSW will keep you updated on the outcome of those hearings.
The PSA and CPSU NSW would like to thank members who contributed to the submission.
Your union will continue to fight for quality work and quality care in disability services.
Troy Wright
PSA Assistant General Secretary