Check Your Pay Slip – PSA Salary Adjustment paid
You may have noticed an increase in pay within your most recent pay slip – this is the result of the PSA’s Award application seeking an adjustment of salaries for Special Constables based on the value of work being performed.
While the PSA has lodged a Judicial Review of the decision to grant salary adjustments of 2%, we also filed orders in the Industrial Relations Commission for the NSWPF to pay the per cent without delay while the Judicial Review is ongoing.
The 2% Salary Adjustment includes backpay to the first full pay period after 1 July 2023.
Judicial Review continues
The hearing for the Judicial Review is on 31st October 2024. The decision to lodge an appeal in the Supreme Court against the judgment is a continuation of our fight for fair pay for Special Constables. The PSA is calling on the Police Minister and every stakeholder to recognise the calls for fair pay and show Special Constables the respect they deserve.
PSA Salary Adjustment is in addition to the Government Pay Offer
The above Salary Adjustment is IN ADDITION to the Government’s Pay Offer for the wider Public Service. Proceedings in the Industrial Relations Commission continue in relation to this Pay Offer. You can view the most recent update on the Pay Offer here.
No Pay Increases without the PSA
While we continue to fight for a greater Salary Adjustment and a greater Pay Offer from the Government, there would be no pay increase at all without the PSA fighting for these increases. The only way to support the fight for improvements in your remuneration and working conditions is to join the PSA.