Christmas closedown arrangements
The PSA is advised that some members have expressed some confusion in regard to the Christmas Closedown arrangements communicated by Parliament. We hope the following can clear up this confusion:
- Where an employee has excessive accrued Recreation Leave, they can be directed to take some of that leave.
- Employees cannot be directed to take Leave Without pay (LWOP).
- Reasonable requests to work over the period should be properly considered by management. Management has previously advised the PSA that the wide diversity in roles makes them unable to establish standard alternate work locations. Each instance of working over the closedown should be discussed and arranged on a case-by-case basis with the person’s manager and Human Services in order for suitable work and locations to be found. The Parliamentary Precinct is closed over the period.
- Managers have also previously advised the PSA that they recognise MPs have discretion to keep their Electorate Offices open on the non-public holidays during the period, or can arrange alternate agreed work arrangements, such as working from home. Human Resources requires this information for leave-audit processes.
Members should contact their delegate or the PSA if any problems arise.