Administration and stores review update – February 2016 (PDF version)
Administration and stores review
Members will be aware that the PSA lodged a dispute in the Industrial Relations Commission (IRC) against CSNSW in relation to the Admin and Stores review.
There was a report back from both parties on December 8.
View the previous bulletin HERE
It became clear that there were a number of inconsistencies in the information provided by the Department. The PSA undertook to hold meetings throughout the state to gather information on the proposed review.
Following these meetings, the information was collated and the PSA wrote to Corrective Services NSW on 1 February 2016 posing 47 questions for clarification that arose out of members’ feedback.
View the report HERE
The PSA has followed this up by writing to the department on 19 February 2016 seeking an urgent meeting in relation to the above questions.
We will provide further information about this as soon as it comes to hand.
It has been reported that information about this review has been circulated by a CSNSW PSA delegate. The information circulated carries the PSA logo and was not authorised.
Please note PSA delegates are not PSA staff. They should not disseminate material carrying the PSA logo unless that material has been properly authorised. Information circulated by delegates which does not carry the usual authorisation of the PSA General Secretary at the bottom of the material should be read as the opinion of the delegate only.
What can you do?
- Give a copy of this bulletin to your colleagues
- Print this bulletin and put it up on your notice board
- Ask a colleague to join the PSA
- Attend a meeting at your worksite.