Government Records Repository privatisation – February 2016 (PDF version)
On Friday 12 February, State Records Authority (SRA) Director Geoff Hinchcliffe notified all SRA staff by way of email that the Government had, as part of its GRR Review,
“commenced initial discussions with the market to sound out potential options for the future.”
The PSA has serious concerns with any future privatisation of the GRR Unit, particularly in relation to how a move to the private sector will affect existing employees within the unit, as well as how it will impact upon the broader community.
The PSA is urgently seeking a meeting with Mr Hinchcliffe regarding the Government’s apparent plan to sell off the GRR. This includes seeking what information the Government is relying upon for making its decision to explore options within the private sector.
We are awaiting the Director’s response to our request and will keep members updated.