DFSI Rec leave update
DFSI Rec leave update – November 2017 (PDF version)
In the past fortnight, various members within DFSI have contacted the PSA in relation to concerns they are being approached by their manager/supervisor who is requesting they plan leave if their total exceeds 25 days, and directing them to take leave prior their rec leave balance reaching 30 days.
The PSA wrote to DFSI Employee Relations (ER) advising them we have become aware managers have been taking this action, which is in breach of the award. Our letter pointed out the award only permits any direction to take leave once the individual staff member has been written to at the time when the individual’s rec leave balance is six weeks.
The Award Clause 77.2.3 states “The Department Head shall notify the staff member in writing when accrued recreation leave reaches 6 weeks or its hourly equivalent and at the same time may direct a staff member to take at least 2 weeks recreation leave within 3 months of the notification at a time convenient to the Department.”
We requested an urgent meeting with DFSI ER to discuss this practice to ensure the Award would be appropriately observed and applied in the future.
DFSI ER wrote back stating “managers holding conversations with staff members in regards to planning rec leave is a proactive approach to managing leave accruals and the health and safety of our employees”.
The PSA has no particular problem with that. However, DFSI ER went on to claim “these discussions are not formal directions to take leave”.
The purpose of this bulletin is to communicate to all members who may be/have been directed by their manager or supervisor to take leave prior to their rec leave balance reaching 30 days, that they ought to print out this bulletin, show it to their manager/supervisor advising that they cannot be directed to take leave prior to their rec leave balance reaching 30 days.
And further, members should point out to their manager/supervisor that DFSI ER has confirmed that any discussions around taking rec leave prior to 30 days “are not formal directions”.
This means it will always remain your choice of whether to take leave if your balance is below 30 days. It is not your manager or supervisor’s choice.
If you need PSA intervention, please contact your workplace delegate or PSA industrial officers directly.
PSA industrial officers
Matthew Drake-Brockman (all matter within DFSI except Regulation)