Inequity of KPIs
Inequity of KPIs – November 2017 (PDF version)
At the recent Joint Consultative Committee meeting with management, your union, the PSA (CPSU), raised concerns around KPI measures. Many of the issues around KPIs are unique to document registration.
The current reporting systems are unsophisticated and do not allow variance for degree of difficulty of work or hours worked.
Staff should be raising this issue both verbally and in writing with their team leader. They should be listing that the reporting systems do not accurately portray the amount of productive work they have done. One suggested way of doing this is to create a paper trail as evidence you have had a productive day, in spite of the fact that the number of dealings did not meet expected targets.
The PSA understands there is currently a pilot and review of work processes being carried out by ARI consultants within DRS. During this process staff should be bringing to the attention of the consultants that there is a difference in the processing of complex work. They should advise of any and all factors impacting on achieving targets. Hopefully the results of their work yields a fairer and sophisticated method of data collection.
Procedural fairness
The PSA will write to management requesting it advises us of the results of the review, and to engage with us prior to any implementation.
The PSA also will ensure procedural fairness for those staff who are being portrayed as under performers due to the lack of sophistication in the reporting systems.