Domestic and Family Violence Leave Survey Results - Public Service Association

Domestic and Family Violence Leave Survey Results

Thank you to all our members who responded to our recent survey on Domestic and Family Violence (DFV). From your responses we learned there are significant gaps in the way DFV leave is managed in the workplace, the way information is shared to employees and the processes in place to support people needing assistance.

The PSA will continue to advocate for improvements in the Governments response to Domestic and Family Violence, within workplaces and also by lobbying them directly.

Last night we attended the Unions NSW Trades and Labor Council Meeting on the issue of Unions Taking Action on Men’s Violence against Women, which was arranged by Unions NSW to coordinate a response from unions to the crisis.

It was acknowledged that unions have a long history in fighting for gender equality and have campaigned tirelessly to improve support for all victims of violence. The PSA has been at the forefront of these campaigns, with historic gains for women members such as the Librarians Pay Equity Case in 2002 and the Schools Pay Equity Case in 2019.

At the meeting the PSA moved a motion that Unions Taking Action on Men’s Violence Against Women be a standing item on the Unions NSW Executive agenda. The PSA will also participate in the Unions NSW working group to develop a strategy in support of our campaign and members will be kept updated.

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