Education Secretary announces changes to Flexible Working and ‘Office Presence’ - Public Service Association

Education Secretary announces changes to Flexible Working and ‘Office Presence’

The PSA is aware of the Secretary’s announcement on Tuesday at an all-Education Support Staff (ESS) Town Hall meeting proposing changes to the department’s flexible working arrangements, with particular attention to expectations of staff returning to offices to align with the Premiers’ Circular C2024-03 NSW Government Sector Workplace Presence published on 5 August 2024.

The circular does not prescribe any particular patterns of attendance. However, it does state that it is expected that each agency will adopt a policy that provides for all staff to work principally from an approved office, workplace or related work site.

The PSA can assure our ESS members that we were previously engaged in comprehensive consultation over the current Flexible Working Arrangements Policy, Procedure, and Implementation Principles, to allow flexibility for all roles on an ‘If Not, Why Not?’  basis.

Whilst an employer may direct employees in relation to their working arrangements, if direction is lawful and reasonable; we wish to reassure members that the department is required under the Crown Award consultation provisions (s65) to engage in genuine consultation before making changes to your flexible ways of working, policies and/or procedures.  We know this is a significant matter of concern to our members and we will provide feedback to recommend the department maintains best practice flexible working in your workplace.

We encourage members to complete the staff survey and provide detailed feedback on the proposed changes. The department will need this information to understand the office accommodation requirements and to address the impacts raised.

Remember if you have any individual concerns, please contact the PSA Member Support Centre for assistance.

PSA staff

Katy Ambler Industrial Officer

Peta Noke Organiser

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