Environment Protection Authority member survey – March 2017 (PDF version)
A teleconference was held on Friday 24 February 2017 to discuss the After Hours Incident Service (AHIS) allowance. Following that teleconference, an email survey was forward to all members on 1 March 2017 from Mr David Bell, one of your EPA PSA delegates, seeking further feedback on the proposed changes that may affect your future payments and entitlements.
The PSA understands not all regions are remunerated the same in relation to AHIS allowance. Therefore, it is essential members provide the necessary feedback to give the PSA a balanced view on how the AHIS allowance and duration has been applied. The PSA is also seeking clarification on its current position in relation to the following four issues of negotiation.
The four remaining issues are as follows;
Issue 1: The definition of an incoming call;
Issue 2: NSW Fire and Rescue advisory notification texts to the EPA Duty Incident Advice Co-ordinator
Issue 3: Reasonable Expectation of time to manage a call
Issue 4; Remuneration for AHIS calls received during business hours.
The PSA asks all members to reply to David Bell’s email survey by no later than 5pm 10 March 2017 after which collation of the results will take place. You will find the survey HERE, and it can be emailed to David Bell at
Laundry allowance
The PSA can advise that members who have been provided with protective clothing are entitled to a laundry allowance which currently equates to $9.50 per fortnight. The PSA has been advised only one person in the EPA has made a claim for the laundry allowance and associated back pay. The PSA encourages all members to contact Industrial Officer with the subject title Laundry Allowance to apply for their entitlement of a fortnightly laundry allowance and additionally apply for their full back pay entitlement, which equates to approximately $250 per year.
The PSA will then advocate on your behalf to gain your entitlement.
Please note the PSA will not be advocating on behalf of non-union members when seeking the laundry allowance and back pay. However, we encourage all non-members to join the PSA at www.psa.asn.au
EPA PSA Delegates
Dr Judith Greenwood
Senior Air Policy Officer – 02 9995 5888
David Bell
Operations Officer – 02 4908 6817
Peter Lloyd-Jones
Senior Operations Policy Officer –
02 9995 6046
David Thompson
Pesticides Inspector – 02 9995 6859
PSA Staff
Michael Sinclair
Industrial Officer – 1300 772 679
Latu Sailosi
Organiser – 0418 254 714
It’s worth Fighting and Joining the PSA For!
Actively engage in building the PSA’s power and strength in your workplace by encouraging your colleagues to join the PSA – they can do so online at www.psa.asn.au. The more members we have, the stronger we are to advocate and fight for strong working conditions, better pay increases and protecting your jobs to ensure we continue to provide quality public services for NSW.