Outstanding issues for EPA members
The PSA wrote to the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) on 1 May 2020 seeking answers to various outstanding issues.
The EPA provided a letter of response to the PSA’s dated 13 May 2020. A copy of that letter can be found HERE.
Members have been left feeling their concerns have not been adequately addressed by the EPA relating to the realignment.
The PSA is concerned the EPA is of the view that the consultation for the realignment has been completed and any future concerns of our members should be taken up with the already overburdened Unit Heads or Managers. The EPA management also advises the realigned structure was implemented on 30 March 2020. However, the PSA is aware of staff having been directed into other areas post-30 March 2020 without consultation.
The PSA has continually requested the EPA provide the PSA with information regarding the areas of responsibility for each Director. Instead, the EPA continually refers to a ‘geographical overlay’ which to date has not been supplied or further clarified.
Failure by the EPA to provide this information will result in the matter being relisted in the Industrial Relations Commission of NSW.
JSA Risk Assessment Documents Update
The PSA wrote to the EPA on 7 May 2020 regarding the lack of signed Job Safety Analysis (JSA) risk assessment documents.
In that letter, the PSA requested the EPA to provide members and the union with signed JSAs relating to work undertaken by the EPA staff. A meeting was convened between the EPA and the PSA on 14 May 2020. During the meeting the PSA was informed by the EPA that it would take a holistic and risk assessment approach when dealing with JSAs.
Given no JSAs or any other risk assessment was forthcoming either to PSA members or the union as requested, we have now referred this matter to SafeWork NSW for investigation.
If you know someone who is not a member, encourage them to join the union so that their voice can be also heard. Join HERE today.
Your PSA Delegates and Industrial Staff are available for members who need support. If you would like to contact the PSA about this or any other matter, you can call the Member Support Centre 1300 772 679.
You can also speak to your delegates: