Excess Travel Time Proposal - Public Service Association

Excess Travel Time Proposal

At a recent meeting, Department of Customer Service (DCS) management raised the issue of the calculation of Excess Travel Time for Service NSW employees with no fixed headquarters.

At the meeting management proposed the following:

The application of a 30-minute cap for daily travel for business purposes, at the commencement and conclusion of each shift/day ie periods in excess of 30 minutes would be treated as excess travel at commencement and conclusion (where the travel is also not undertaken during working hours).

At present we believe the most likely roles this would be applicable to would be:

(1) employees on the mobile service centres and

(2) business concierges required to travel to differing locations on an almost daily basis.

We invite members to submit feedback on this proposal to or 1800 772 679 quoting reference number 221572

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