FACS Mobility Pathway update
FACS Mobility Pathway update – 24 July 2017 (PDF version)
On 19 July, the PSA again met with NSW Treasury Industrial Relations, the Department of Premier and Cabinet, and Family and Community Services in relation to the Mobility Pathway program.
The PSA was successful in confirming the following matters for members:
- Members employed in full-time positions and have flexible working arrangements due to caring responsibilities cannot and should not be pressured to seek part-time positions.
- Members must not to be pressured to accept any job offer which is below their current grade.
- Members are not limited to only be offered or matched to similar roles in other government agencies. Members can seek other jobs within their grade, as long as they can demonstrate they have the necessary skills and capabilities to do this job.
INS made a commitment to ensure communication between Career Pathway Officers (CPO) and members is timely and consistent. They should remain in regular contact.
The PSA was assured its members are able to participate in any training made available to anyone participating in the Mobility Pathway program.
If members have any concerns about the service they are receiving from their CPO, they should raise these concerns with the INS. INS has reassured the PSA all concerns about the Mobility Pathway, will be addressed in a timely manner and in no way impact negatively on any member.
We were reassured INS has staff who are culturally competent and can offer a culturally appropriate service to best assist Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and Culturally and Linguistically Diverse members in successful participating in the Mobility Pathway.
Also, the DPC has undertaken to arrange a meeting between INS and the union to iron out overarching issues our members have raised.
Here are some statistics on Mobility Pathway: there are now 569 people who have been referred to the program. So far there have been 239 actual matches and 26 people have been directly placed through the Mobility Pathway. There have also been nine other placements made through merit and 28 through internal processes.
FACS has recognised it is a hard task to try to place everyone into jobs, but its priority remains to continue with this process. The PSA’s commitment to members remains the same; to support members who want to remain in the public sector to do so, and to assist those who are seeking an earlier exit to ensure their entitlements are secured.
The PSA was told at this meeting FACS, DPC and NSW IR have jointly approached agencies within the public sector to strongly encourage them to prioritise the recruitment and selection of staff in the Mobility Pathway.
The PSA has and will continue to pressure the NSW Government to deliver jobs for anyone impacted by the outsourcing of public sector services and jobs.
For advice or assistance, please contact:
Rachael Shaw – 0431 349 984
Darrin Morgan – 0423 498 499
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