Fisheries: New FOVB Executive elected
The PSA is happy to announce your new FOVB Executive team, elected at your AGM on Thursday 4 March 2021.
The election was contested, which is always a good way to keep our union proactive and revitalised to the issues that affect our members.
The positions of Chair and Secretary were elected unopposed.
Chair Matthew Cartwright
Secretary John Staines
The five Executive positions received seven nominations, so a vote was held. The members elected to the positions are as follows (in no particular order).
Joe Wright
Amie Wilson
Jackie Corlass
Matthew Proctor
Tom Bennetts
The PSA congratulates the newly elected FOVB team and also thanks the members who were not elected. We encourage the members who were not elected to nominate again next time. Outgoing Chair Matt Proctor said it well in the past; “you are not off the team, just on the bench, and we need bench players.”
Thanks to our two outgoing Executive members Mick Northam and Shaun Reynolds who chose not to stand for re-election.
The PSA would like to acknowledge Matthew Proctor for his long-term role as Chair of the FOVB. Matt has served with distinction and with the utmost integrity. He has fought long and hard for our members and his service to the FOVB/PSA sets a high standard; one that we will endeavour to ensure remains.
Matt remains on the Executive.