Fisheries Officers Vocational Branch Executive: update from your delegates - Public Service Association

Fisheries Officers Vocational Branch Executive: update from your delegates

The Fisheries Officers Vocation Branch (FOVB) AGM was held on Thursday 9 May 2024. The FOVB Executive (FOVBE)/PSA thanks all members who took the time to participate.

We believe we are making solid progress towards a new Award that is fit for purpose and properly remunerates our members for the important work they do. The FOVBE/PSA staff also wish to acknowledge the Department on the collegial way in which negotiations have progressed.

The other major topic of discussion was Officer safety. Our members, along with your delegates and the PSA are growing tired of raising our serious concerns in this area. Members have resolved that unless some tangible steps are taken by the Department to address key safety issues, that have been repeatedly flagged with them, before the next meeting of the FOVBE on 6 August 2024 then all options available to PSA members will be employed to ensure these concerns are addressed.

If you were not at the AGM and want more information, please feel free to contact one of your FOVBE delegates or your PSA Organiser for more info.

Matt Cartwright

John Staines

Amie Wilson

David Potter

Joe Wright

Jackie Corlass

Jesus Montilla Tuarezca

PSA Organiser
Graydon Plumridge

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