Grafton closure update
On Tuesday, 27 August 2019, the NSW Government announced the impending closure of Grafton Correctional Centre. The PSA attended the centre and met with all available staff on Wednesday, 28 August 2019. At that meeting many questions were put to the Association. Due to the fact no notification was given that this announcement was being made, some of those questions could not be answered at the meeting. A commitment was given by the Association that it would seek to gain the best possible outcome for the members of Grafton Correctional Centre.
A meeting has been scheduled with CSNSW on Tuesday, 10 September to open consultation re the transition to closure.
The Public Service Association of NSW, met with Serco on Friday, 30 August 2019 and Assistant General Secretary Troy Wright and David McCauley met with Chris Mossman, Serco Workplace Relations Manager.
- Serco was asked if it intended to engage any current Grafton CC employees in the operation of Clarence Correctional Centre (CCC).
- Serco has confirmed that Glen Scholes, former CSNSW Director North, will be organising meetings with existing employees to provide them with information about Serco and the recruitment process. Serco has given a commitment to inform the Association when a meeting has been arranged.
- Serco has stated it is not agreeable to an Enterprise Bargaining Agreement (EBA). It states it is looking at introducing Individual Common Law Contracts (Individual Agreements). The Association totally opposes this type of operation. Troy Wright challenged the efficacy and history of this. Serco conceded this was unorthodox and not something it had ever done before. (Not only has Serco not done this before, NO private-sector gaol in Australia has ever done this before). Serco is claiming it prefers this approach because it intends to implement an individualised range of salaries, based on experience and qualifications.
- At this time Serco does not have a commissioning date for Clarence Correctional Centre.
- No commitment was given from Serco to allow access for the Association to its New Recruits at Initial Training Course (ITC) as we currently have with both CSNSW and MTC Broadspectrum at Parklea CC.
The Association will continue to attempt to meet with Serco at every opportunity to ensure the wages and conditions of those working there are as best as possible.
CSNSW distributed an information sheet to staff at Grafton CC on Tuesday, 27 August 2019. A concern was raised in relation to an employee who took a Voluntary Redundancy then accepted a role at Serco within the period of severance payment, would be required to pay back a proportion of that payment.
The Association gives a commitment to members that we will continue to challenge the interpretation of the Department.
Further information will be distributed to members as meetings occur.
David McCauley
POVB Industrial Officer
Julie Bond
Senior Industrial Officer