Housing bulletin – delegates respond to outsourcing threat – 12 August 2015
Housing delegates respond to outsourcing threat – bulletin – 12 August 2015 (PDF version)
The PSA’s Housing NSW Departmental Committee recently held a special training day to plan around important issues for Housing members.
The main issue of concern is the NSW Government’s plan to privatise public housing.
You can read the previous update to members about the privatisation here
The PSA will be conducting campaign activities around the outsourcing and the success of those efforts depends on the support and involvement of members.
The PSA will be holding local workplace elections and establishing Workplace Committees across Housing NSW offices, which are an ideal opportunity to get involved. Members will be given notice of these meeting dates and times.
As the campaign against privatisation develops, your Departmental Committee and local delegate committees will be key to raising awareness and progressing activities around this issue.
In addition, all PSA members have access to 12 days paid ‘Union Leave’ every 2 years for the purpose of training. The PSA runs a number of different training courses (for example “Dealing with Bullying in the Workplace” and “Women in the Union”) and we encourage all members to take advantage of this paid leave to attend PSA courses.
Members need to apply for ‘Union Leave’ and can register for training courses via this link
The PSA will continue to update and involve members through your DC, local delegates, member meetings and workplace visits.
Don’t know who your DC Delegate or PSA Organiser is? You can download the list here