Invite a colleague to join today – and make your union stronger - Public Service Association

Invite a colleague to join today – and make your union stronger

Hi, my name is Alex Sala and I am your PSA Organiser. In my site visits in recent months I have been speaking to staff who were not aware of the work of the union or who did not know about their entitlements or how to go about seeking access to various forms of leave such as study leave or even flex leave.

I realised there is a lot more work for me to do in order to be able to reach out to potential members, to let them know about their union and the industrial outcomes that can be achieved by strong union membership.

So it is of no surprise that in one of my most recent visits, to Manly Courthouse, I was asked why isn’t every public sector employee in the union? What a great question!

I am looking forward to continuing visiting worksites to discuss the benefits of joining your union, but I am also counting on you, PSA members; who already know what the union does, how members of your union are protected at work individually and collectively, even if injured travelling to and from work.

Why should everybody be in their union?

The PSA is a major public sector union which for more than a century has proudly fought to secure and advance the pay and work conditions of public sector employees in diverse roles across NSW government departments.

The PSA assists and acts on behalf of fee paying members state-wide in all aspects of their working lives, providing support, expert advice and collective, as well as individual representation with any difficulty that may be encountered in the workplace.

In addition to the PSA’s yearly submissions and arbitration to increase your pay and improve conditions, members also receive assistance with a range of other workplace issues including the protection of flexible working hours, relocations, bullying, worker’s compensation, leave entitlements, disciplinary matters, women’s rights, work practices, and work health and safety. That’s why you support your union! And for less than what you pay for a large coffee a day.

There are a number of benefits to membership, including:

  • Personal representation on individual Industrial Relations matters, including after critical incidents, Workers Compensation claims, disciplinary and misconduct issues, flexible working agreements and arrangements, return to work, etc. The union is your protection in the workplace.
  • Collective representation on issues affecting employees, such as rosters, staffing, health and safety, Allowances and Award entitlements, etc. We are stronger when we fight for these things together. A united, unionised workplace means a united voice. United we bargain, divided we beg. It’s that simple
  • Journey Insurance to cover wages of members for up to two years if they are injured while travelling to or from work, even when working from home.
  • Provident Fund – payment of $4000 to nominated beneficiary in the event of a member’s death.
  • Union Shopper access giving discounts on a wide range of gift cards (including discounts at Coles and Woolworths), petrol, entertainment, activities, whitegoods, electronics, and more for union members.
  • 12 days of paid leave for union activities, including various free training courses the PSA runs for its members –
  • Your union fees are tax deductible.

With both a State and Federal election due in the next 18 months, there has never been a more vital time to join the union, in order to ensure the rights of workers are protected, and improved.

Ask a colleague to join today

I would like to ask you to strengthen your union by inviting one colleague to join the PSA today. This may be someone who is not aware of what the union is; someone who is not protected in their workplace.

Further information on the benefits of union membership can be found at, or you can follow our Facebook page at for regular updates on issues affecting all NSW public sector workers.

If you have any questions around increasing Union membership in your workplace, or to arrange a workplace visit, please get in touch with me, Alex Sala, on my mobile 0439 443 851, or via email at .

For enquiries around specific industrial issues, you can also contact the PSA Member Support Centre on 1300 772 679.

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