Members and PSA representatives have been briefed by the Head of Portfolio regarding the Land and Housing Corporation (LAHC) Asset Maintenance Services Contract and the proposed design and implementation of the new Maintenance Delivery Contract Model.
In-sourcing a win for PSA and members, but change requires consultation
The PSA was firmly against the privatisation of functions of LAHC and applauds this decision for further in-sourcing as a matter of good public policy. This decision will in part address the need for proper governance on the NSW Government’s capital investment in public and social housing to meet the requirements of the state. It also acknowledges the deficiencies and poor outcomes of the previous maintenance contract model. In some ways, this represents a reversion to maintenance contracts administered previously by LAHC staff.
While this change is positive for the public service it is a big change in your working life. The PSA has heard from a wide range of members. There appears to be considerable angst amongst some sections of the membership around the changes and commitments made by LAHC. The PSA will support all members throughout the changes.
Consultation period commencing mid-November
To support members, the PSA will be holding further meetings once the consultation period commences. We will also send a follow-up bulletin seeking your submissions in writing.
Your active participation in this consultation process will play a crucial role in ensuring that the process is reflective of your interests and as supportive as possible. Your feedback will be instrumental in the PSA’s efforts to advocate for the best outcomes for its members.
For further information on what is proposed you can read the PSA’s FAQ document HERE.
You can support the work of the PSA and Delegates to get better outcomes for everyone just by asking your colleagues to JOIN the PSA.
Next steps
The PSA will update the membership once the next stage of the process commences. In the meantime, the PSA encourages our members to read in detail the information provided by LAHC so that you can actively engage in the consultation process and provide your feedback to the union.