Local Land Services Update
Local Land Service Update bulletin – December 2015 (PDF version)
Flexible Working Hours carry over
The PSA has received queries from members around how many accumulated flexible working hours may be carried over from one settlement period to another. This has come about after a message from management stating that all employees were only entitled to carry over 42 hours from one settlement period to another.
Your Local Land Services (LLS) Flexible Working Hours Agreement FWHA states:
“A full-time employee may accumulate credit or debit hours during a settlement period, provided that the maximum accumulation of credit hours does not exceed 48 hours.”
The PSA accepts the intention from both parties when the agreement was made was for employees who work 35 hours per week to accumulate up to 42 hours, whilst those who work 38 hours per week accumulate the stated 48 hours.
The PSA raised this discrepancy at the Joint Consultative Committee (JCC) held with management on 26 November. Management has confirmed SAP allows for 42 hours to be carried forward for staff working 35 hours per week and 48 hours for 38 hour per week employees.
There have been, however, some discrepancies noted in SAP and some staff may have been affected by the incorrect limit being applied. The PSA encourages all members who work 38 hours a week to check their accumulated flex balances carefully, and to contact the Member Support Centre on 1300 772 679 if they believe they have incorrectly forfeited accumulated hours.
Expression of interest
Your Local Land Services Delegate Committee is seeking members interested in building a strong union to fill two current vacancies. The vacancies exist for a Western Region representative and a Murray Region representative.
As a PSA delegate you will:
- represent the interests of Local Land Services PSA members, including in JCCs
- consult with members and other employees for whom the delegate is a representative
- communicate with PSA Industrial Staff and ensure PSA information is distributed and displayed in a readily accessible location
- build workplace power by encouraging members to be active in the union.
To nominate for either the Western or Murray Region representative, please contact DC Chair Mal Leeson
Being a delegate also means you have access to specialist training courses. Check out some of the professional development courses the PSA provides HERE
As part of the Local Land Services Award (2013), members are entitled to 12 days special leave over a two-year period for the purposes of attending union-organised training.