Meeting Reminder: PSA March Meeting – Parramatta Square. Privatisation Hurts Everyone.
In the lead up to the NSW election, the PSA is campaigning to overturn the NSW Government’s wages policy, put an end to privatisation of the NSW Public Sector and win greater job security for NSW Public Sector workers.
All staff at all agencies located at 4 and 6 Parramatta Square are invited to the following PSA meetings to hear about our election campaign on Wednesday 1 March 2023.
Meeting and RSVP details
When: Wednesday 1 March 2023.
Time: 12.30pm – 1.30pm
Where: Rooms4PSQ-L11.15h
A light lunch will be provided.
NB: It is important to RSVP
For catering purposes, and so that we can provide 6PSQ attendees information to the concierge, as well as access details.
Please pass onto members in your area.
For members not in the office that day you can join the meeting through MS Teams
Meeting ID: 494 824 778 476
Passcode: sNPQ22