Member update for School Psychologists - Public Service Association

Member update for School Psychologists

Offer:  Payrise and Heads of Agreement ballot.

The PSA is pleased to announce we have received a substantial offer from the Department of Education in relation to the salaries of School Psychologists.

We have been in ‘without prejudice’ negotiations with the Department of Education since we filed proceedings on 9 October 2023, seeking the assistance of the Industrial Relations Commission for School Psychologists’ salary parity with School Counsellors.

The offer

In relation to the salaries of employees covered by the Crown Employees (School Psychologists – Department of Education) Salaries Award 2022 (the SP Salaries Award) the offer, if accepted by PSA School Psychologist members, will award the same pay rises to School Psychologists, Senior Psychologist Education (SPE) and Leader Psychology Practice (LPP) GSE classification roles, as those recently awarded to the Teaching Service classifications of the equivalent roles.

Your conditions of employment will continue to be governed by the Government Sector Employment Act 2013 and the Crown Employees (Public Service Conditions of Employment) Reviewed Award 2009.

The offer is presented as a Heads of Agreement (HoA) from 9 October 2023 – October 2027 including:

  1. A one-year Award variation – changing the salary structure to align with the teaching service Wellbeing Services roles; and awarding the relevant salary increases to the GSE classifications, back dated to the first pay period after 9 October 2023.
  2. Followed by a three- year consent award allowing for negotiation of the quantum of annual salary increases from 2024-2027.

The HoA will provide School Psychologists with a significant pay rise, salary certainty and ongoing salary parity with School Counsellors.

The PSA recommends that you vote YES.

To VOTE click HERE


The voting survey closes at 5:00pm on Monday 11 December 2023.

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