Members meeting at NSW Ombudsman
Members meeting at NSW Ombudsman – November 2018 (PDF version)
The PSA met with members on 25 October and the following matters were discussed:
- Transfer of reportable conduct scheme to the Office of the Children’s Guardian
The PSA has written to the NSW Ombudsman to seek an urgent meeting to discuss this move. We urge members to provide any questions or concerns to your delegates (listed below) so we can address issues on your behalf.
- The People Matter Survey
Correspondence was also forwarded advising that we sought the results of this survey be a standard item for our regular Joint Consultative Committee meetings with management. Frank and constructive discussion is a way to see improvements for next year’s survey.
- Flexible working hours
Members are concerned that a recent email from the NSW Ombudsman may be intended to restrict flexible hour’s arrangements as defined in the Co-lateral Flexible Working Hours Agreement. The PSA have written to the Ombudsman seeking clarification of the email.
The PSA does not oppose communication between management and employees to ensure the proper functioning of the office.
Equally, a flexible working hour’s agreement aims to enable a good work/life balance and this should be proactively supported.
If you intend to leave before 4.00 p.m, the PSA recommends that you advise management of your intended departure from the office where practicable. If issues arise relating to this, contact your delegate or the PSA.
It is also important to note that other flexible arrangements for particular purposes (for example, due to carers’ responsibilities) can be negotiated.
- The current review being conducted within the organisation
We also discussed the current review. The PSA advised members that we expect to be involved in formal consultation prior to any implementation of change that may occur from this review. This has previously been raised with management.
We will update members on these matters as they proceed.
*the letters referred to above can be found below:
Your delegates are – David Hemmings and Caitlin Gleeson
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