What you missed: ECE member update - Public Service Association

What you missed: ECE member update

What you missed – ECE member update – February 2019 (PDF version)


We had our first member meeting for 2019 last week in the Parramatta office. It was a fantastic opportunity for members to discuss current ECE issues, and build a plan to address them through an active union presence.

The main issues discussed were around workloads, scheduling, flex entitlements and travel allowances. Please keep an eye out in the next two weeks as we will be sending out a survey for members regarding these issues. This will enable us to build on the discussions from last week and advocate for you more effectively.

Your membership matters! The more active members we have in the Early Childhood Education Directorate the more power we have to get better outcomes at work.

Work with someone who’s not a member yet? Get them to join online today. Only members get the benefits of union membership, such as journey insurance, which covers you if something happens on your way to and from work.

Want to get more active in your union? Email your PSA organiser Mary Jo at mcostache@psa.asn.au

Members are reminded to contact our Member Support Centre on 1300 772 679 for individual matters.

We are also on the lookout for local delegates. Delegates are the lifeblood of our union and we want you! If you’re interested in building union power in your local district, email Mary Jo. You can read more about the role of the delegate HERE.

See you at our next meeting!

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