National Parks and Wildlife Service – Ranger Recruitment
National Parks and Wildlife Service – Ranger Recruitment – August 2018 (PDF version)
As outlined in our bulletin of Thursday 2nd August, the PSA has been seeking clarification around the recruitment process for the recent announcement of 39 ongoing roles and 5 temporary roles.
The PSA wrote to Planning and Environment of 1st August, outlining our concern that the PSA had not been adequately consulted around the recruitment process. This being the case the PSA believes the current process is flawed as it fails to consider the circumstances of all current Rangers (including long term temporary Rangers) and consideration given to their circumstances prior to proceeding to external recruitment of all vacant Ranger positions.
In regards to temporary Rangers, the Government Sector Employment Rules 2014 contains provisions for the conversion of temporary or term employment to ongoing roles (subject to a few requirements such as a comparative assessment being done when originally employed and satisfactory conduct of the employee). Put simply the Department has the ability to convert long term temporary Rangers but has chosen not to.
The PSA has been attempting to consult with the Department, but unfortunately they have not engaged with us, and thus we notified OEH that we were in dispute around lack of consultation. While we are in dispute, there should be no further action taken in regards to recruitment until OEH have engaged in meaningful consultation with the PSA.
In the meantime, as outlined in our previous bulletin, the PSA is asking members to contact the PSA to enable us to provide advocacy on their behalf in relation to the recruitment process.
Any enquiries please contact: