National Parks and Wildlife Service – Senior Field Supervisors 3 Role – May 2018 (PDF version)
As you would be aware, the PSA lodged a dispute in the Industrial Relations Commission (IRC), after having to intervene when AWU and OEH were agreeing to a new Award without our knowledge. The PSA’s position is, and always has been, SFS3 roles in Kosciusko should be in the PSA Award. During a report back in the IRC on 17 April 2018, the PSA agreed to the advertising of SFS3 roles in Kosciusko and to meet with OEH to discuss the inclusion of the SFS3 classification in the PSA Award.
A meeting was convened on 3 May 2018 between the PSA, OEH and AWU regarding the recruitment of an SFS3 role in Kosciusko. Chief Commissioner Kite gave the AWU permission to be present during the meeting between the PSA and OEH.
The discussions were quite robust. The PSA advised OEH our position had not changed since our IRC appearance. The SFS3 role could be placed in the PSA Award immediately allowing advertising for the SFS3 in Kosciusko.
However, OEH’s position is, if they insert SFS3 into our Award they would require the PSA agreeing to Monday to Friday Field Officer 1/2 and FOGO also be placed in our Award.
The AWU put forward an alternative. Recruit SFS3’s in Kosciusko under the AWU Award, which could be carried out straight away, allowing the PSA and OEH to argue about the other roles later.
The PSA’s Award is the PSA’s Award and we will not accept roles in Kosciusko being filled under the AWU Award, hence the demarcation dispute.
Discussions broke down, with the PSA stating that if OEH is serious about progressing the restructure, they would accept the PSA’s offer to move forward.
In conclusion, this matter cannot progress any further unless OEH agreed to insert SFS3 to the PSA Award.