Newcastle and surrounds - Public Service Association

Newcastle and surrounds

Did you know?

As a PSA member, you are entitled to 12 days of paid leave every two years to undertake Trade Union Training.

As such, the PSA is conducting two training sessions in Newcastle, “Introduction to the PSA” and “Role of the delegate”  in April. These courses complement each other; Introduction to the PSA provides background knowledge of the PSA as an industrial organisation, with Role of the delegate equipping you with the tools and knowledge to aid you in representing your colleagues in the workplace.

You don’t need to be a delegate to attend these courses; delegates are vital members of your Union, and if you’re considering becoming one or simply curious about getting involved, this is your opportunity!

The training courses will be held at Newcastle Trades Hall 9:30am-4:00pm on the following dates:

2 April 2025 – Introduction to the PSA

3 April 2025 – Role of the Delegate

You can sign up for the courses HERE.

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