Nominations opened for the Parramatta Square Advisory Group
Recently, nominations opened for the Parramatta Square Advisory Group. This is an opportunity for members currently working out of Parramatta square to have a voice and represent their members regarding issues in Parramatta Square.
If you are passionate about making a difference and want to contribute to facilitating meaningful change, it’s important to grab this opportunity to assist making your fellow members’ voices heard.
Each nomination must be seconded by two other members in the same electorate as the nominee. The call for nominations is as follows:
41 Delegates Required
Electorate Name | Includes the following areas | Number of Delegates |
Communities | Community Services & Housing | 7 |
Customer Service | SafeWork NSW, Service NSW, Dept of Customer Service Better Reg – Policy and Strategy, Fair Trading, Fair Trading – Licensing & Funds, Revenue NSW | 8 |
Environment | NPWS, Biodiversity & Conservation, EPA | 7 |
Justice | Boscar, Ministerial & Parliamentary Services, ACYP, Women, Ageing & carers, Youth Justice, Youth NSW, Corp Services, CSNW | 7 |
Planning & Environment | DPE legal, Brand Dig and Comms, Crown Lands, Dams Safety, Planning and Assessment, Corp Services, Greater Cities, Strategy & Reform, Water, Govt tech Platforms, Greater Sydney Place & Infrastructure, Heritage, Land & Housing Corp, LLS, Local Govt & Reg Planning, Mining, Exp & Geoscience, Office of Responsible Gambling, Place Management, Small Business Commission, Strategy & Property, Customer Service, Reg Policy and Services, Aboriginal Housing – 4PSQ | 10 |
Misc | DPI Agriculture, Biosecurity & Food Safety, Fisheries, Infra, Invest & Business, Strategy & Engagement.
Treasury Hospitality & Racing. Other |
2 |
Nominees, nominators and seconders must be financial members of the Association as at 18 July 2024.
Nominations must be submitted via Survey Monkey:
Nominations close 7 August 2024. Forms must be completed via Survey Monkey by 5pm 23 August 2024.
If there is a ballot, candidates who wish to have a profile available for voters to read should provide a brief statement of 300 words or less stating how they will best represent members’ interests.
Space is provided for this purpose on the form available through Survey Monkey.