Non-Custodial Delegates Committee Joint Consultative Committee meeting update
Please see the below a summary of the June 2023 Joint Consultative Committee (JCC) meeting.
Assistant Commissioner Update
Recent Roadshow with Acting Director Crosbi Knight
Assistant Commissioner Jennifer Galouzis reported that, overall, staff she met were very engaged. Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) received questions from all consultation streams, and location-specific issues regarding how the reform would affect particular work sites. CSNSW is now reviewing feedback received.
The AC also advised that a risk assessment on the suggested changes to current OS&P staff regarding the 2030 reforms would occur for staff at Dillwynia, Manus, Glenn Innis Correctional Centres.
The PSA has also raised concerns from members in other centres as part of the feedback received by the PSA during CSNSW staff consultation.
Workshop on 30 May
There were three workshop streams, Community-Based Psychology, Community-Based SAPO, and one regarding how to support staff to ensure rehabilitative cultures in the community setting.
The purpose of the workshop was to get an understanding of services and programs staff undertake and ultimately develop an action plan. Rather than CSNSW presenting a prepared model for consultation to staff, the AC emphasised the service model would be a co-designed model based on the input of workshop participants.
Once the feedback from the workshop is collated and assessed, CSNSW will go back to participants to provide an overview of what was discussed at the workshop, and what the roadmap will be to finalise the community service model.
Working from Home Memo
Delegates have consistently raised issues with how working from home is administered by CSNSW. At this meeting, the Deputy Commissioner, Luke Grant was supposed to provide information around CSNSW’s working from home memo. However, the DC was an apology to the meeting. The PSA will follow up with CSNSW on this matter.
PSA Advisory Group Meetings with CSNSW Regarding Towards 2030 restructure
CSNSW advised it believed this issue was closed. The PSA advised that members expected further meetings on an advisory group level, such as Education, SAPOs, Psychology, Classification and State Sentence Administration. It was agreed these meetings would be scheduled.
Professional Standards and Investigations (formerly PSB)
It was agreed a meeting would be set up between Professional Standards and Investigations (PSI) and the PSA. This will allow PSI to go through the misconduct process and explain why timeframes may be extended beyond what members consider reasonable.
WHS training
The PSA raised with CSNSW that too few staff members are being trained on the WHS reporting system, safety suite. CSNSW agreed to provide the intranet link to the PSA so that members can undertake the training. The link can be found HERE.
Education Advisory Group
The PSA reported that the members of the PSA Education Advisory Group met with CSNSW. Even though Education remains understaffed for the work they are expected to do, Education Advisory Group Members are happy with the consultation progress so far and believe that management are taking their concerns seriously.
Transitional/residential centres
CSNSW advised the Director responsible for these centres has organised training for staff. These centres will move to Deputy Commissioner Leon Taylor’s area as part of the Towards 2030 reforms.
AC Galouzis advised there was an extension of the current closures for a further three months.
Consultation guidelines
The PSA raised concerns about consultation. In particular, the PSA advisory groups want to meet with CSNSW regarding discipline specific concerns. Further, while CSNSW sent answers to some questions last week, members are frustrated about the length of time taken to respond to member questions about the restructure.
AC Galouzis emphasised CSNSW is approaching the new reforms with some parts as a process of co-design, not just consultation. In response the PSA advised that members did not necessarily see it this way and CSNSW should communicate their co-design approach better.
Current CSNSW Survey
The PSA raised member concerns around the anonymity of responses. AC Snell advised there is a whole process prior to management receiving statistics and raw data is not seen by managers. In response the PSA stated some members are concerned they will be identified because of the kinds of questions asked in the survey. CSNSW then advised that the results are aggregated and it should not be possible for CRES to identify individuals. Further, the question of who will have access to the raw data and how it will be reported to broader audiences is subject to ethical guidelines, if there is fewer than 5-10 people in a particular location, the researchers cannot report and aggregate the data.
CSNSW will provide the ethical guidelines that the researchers are bound by to the PSA.
Annual SAPO Transfer at Grade
The PSA requested advice on when the transfer at grade process will proceed. CSNSW advised it wants to undertake a EOI process for the community SAPO role and transfers at the same time, thus the delay. CSNSW still needs to process the feedback and outcomes from the 30 May workshop.
Further, CSNSW advised that the design team will need to meet again and produce further change management documentation to members including a roadmap. CSNSW need to consult with other frontline staff, Community Corrections and Custodial staff so these groups can have input regarding the Community Service Delivery Model. This will have an impact on the timeline of the SAPO transfers.
Psychologists’ update Regarding Role Descriptions for Seniors and Chiefs
CSNSW advised that the Chief roles have not changed yet. They still have operational oversight over psychologists. However, under the new structure they will need to review the role description. The PSA also asked about Senior Psychologist roles, and CSNSW advised they would come back to the PSA.
Psychologist role allocations
AC Galouzis and A/Director Knight advised that they are currently in the final stages of determining role allocations for psychologists across custody and community. This work is being undertaken with the regional Chief Psychologists. CSNSW was unable to advise when the work was expected to be completed.
Mobile Psychology Team
CSNSW will provide a formal response to the PSA’s Psychology Advisory Group and has committed to meet separately around MPT and specific needs psychologist.
Update on proposed changes to the Psychology Award
CSNSW advised that work is progressing, and meetings have occurred with other agencies in the wider cluster. Starting salary has been identified as an issue by the cluster.
The PSA raised the fact of recent job ads for Psychologist roles within NSW Police. NSW Police is offering improved pay compared to CSNSW, employing people outside the CSNSW psychology rates. A meeting has now been set with CSNSW for Wednesday 28 June 2023 for an update on the Psychology Award.
SAPOs not getting Flex Time at Certain Locations
The PSA agreed to follow up with CSNSW regarding specific locations to resolve the issue. The PSA highlighted that the non application of flex agreement seems to pop up regularly at different centres at different times and with different managers and in different disciplines. As such, the PSA conveyed to CSNSW that members believe an overall commitment to administering the flex agreement be undertaken by CSNSW. Members are welcome to provide further information for the PSA to follow up on regarding flex.
Psychologist supervision
CSNSW advised that clinical supervision will not change. However, operational management will depend on whether a member is in the Community or Custodial setting. The PSA then asked about supervision within the context of the ‘one team’ approach. CSNSW advised it is in the process of finalising new senior roles. CSNSW will need to consider where the new seniors will be placed because not all based grade psychologist currently have seniors.
Psychology Advisory Group Issues Register
The PSA asked for an update on the questions complied by Psychology delegates. CSNSW advised that Employee Relations will respond in writing and hold a meeting with the PAG.
Other business
The PSA advised that Case Management was not represented in the 30 May workshop and CMU members would like to be part of any working group, especially because of the foreshadowed changes to case plans. CSNSW advised it wanted to speak to SAPOs and psychologist first as the CMU is not as impacted as these disciplines.
Issues Around proposed 11/12 Recruitment
CSNSW advised the PSA it will provide a response to questions members have asked. H however, it would like to proceed with the recruitment. The PSA advised it would come back to CSNSW once the information had been received and the PSA had spoken to the affected members.