Office of the Director of Public Prosecution: JCC update
The PSA and the ODPP met this week for the quarterly Joint Consultative Committee. The PSA raised issues in regard to Work Health and Safety (WHS), and also workload in the context of the Workload Weighting Agreement.
In relation to WHS, the ODPP has advised that particularly within the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, WHS is paramount. The Director is sending members video messages weekly. The ODPP is taking a cautious approach (following on what has transpired in Victoria recently) so no changes in the short-term are expected.
Further, the ODPP advised that more than 400 staff have had the flu shot and sick leave has decreased by 50 per cent from this time last year.
No COVID-19 cases have been registered at ODPP.
In regard to workload, the ODPP has advised it may have engaged an officer to undertake a review of the allocation of tasks and workload within the context of the Workload Weighting Agreement. The ODPP is also consulting with IT to determine if any technological solutions are available in regard to workload. It is expected that at least one staff member from each ODPP office will be invited to assist. PSA delegates will also be involved.
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