Parliament PSA Members
As you would be aware, the PSA has put out two surveys relating to the Broderick Review into misconduct in Parliament. One was to MoPS staff and the other to Parliamentary Staff. The one to MoPS Staff has closed and is being collated. This bulletin relates to the Parliamentary Staff survey that went out last Friday.
We have decided to extend the survey until close of business on Friday, 10 December 2021 due to the importance of this matter.
Responding to this survey is your opportunity to have an impact, in a way that we hope will lead to positive change. We want to hear from members and non-members alike. We want to hear from everyone that is a Parliamentary Staff employee. Every voice adds value to the PSA’s submission to the Broderick Review.
If you have not participated in the survey, please do so before the end of this week. It is attached here,
We further urge you to participate with the review itself, if you have not already done so. Our survey is not a replacement for participating with the Review directly. Our survey helps us put a comprehensive PSA submission together for the Review.
We would like to thank those who have already responded to either of the surveys.