Pay Rise in pockets this week! - Public Service Association

Pay Rise in pockets this week!

The PSA has been informed that your pay rise, which was secured last year, will be processed in this week’s pay cycle. As the pay rise takes effect from the first full pay period on or after 1st July 2024, members will also receive back pay to this date.

The agreement on wages, which was secured by the PSA and accepted by our members in October 2024, contains the following pay rises:

  • 4 per cent increase in salaries from the first full pay period on or after 1 July 2024
  • 3 per cent increase in salaries from the first full pay period on or after 1 July 2025
  • 3 per cent increase in salaries from the first full pay period on or after 1 July 2026
  • The offer includes a safeguard mechanism to protect wage earners if the Sydney Consumer Price Index (CPI) exceeds 3.5 per cent (March quarter) in the second or third year of the deal. If this is the case, there will be negotiations for a one-off, non-cumulative, cost-of-living allowance (COLA).
  • If the Sydney CPI exceeds 4 per cent (March quarter) in the second or third year, members will receive a $1,000 taxable, one-off, non-cumulative cost-of-living adjustment payment, plus superannuation.

The above is IN ADDITION TO the 0.5 per cent increase to superannuation received in July 2024, and the 0.5 per cent due in July 2025.

Award coverage for Tramsport Senior Service Managers (TSSM)

As outlined in our previous bulletin (INSERT LINK), the acceptance of the above for Award employees has not stopped the campaign to provide Award coverage for Transport Senior Service Managers.

The PSA has met with Public Sector Industrial Relations earlier this month regarding the creation of a separate Award for Senior Officers, including the TSSM’s in TfNSW. We are currently raising examples of TfNSW workers not applying for TSSM roles as the pay freeze for this group of workers creates an unsustainable outcome of TfNSW Grade 9 employees earning more than a TSSM.

Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) and Transport for NSW (TfNSW) Award amalgamation discussion

The above wage offer was also predicated on TfNSW, the PSA, and other Unions, commencing discussions to redraft and amalgamate the two Salaried Awards into one single Award. The immediate focus is to secure a “Heads of Agreement” for these discussions by 31 March 2025. There will be a number of meetings over the next two months to progress this longstanding issue, and the PSA will keep members up to date as to the outcome of these discussions.

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