Prison Officers Vocational Branch industrial bulletin - Public Service Association

Prison Officers Vocational Branch industrial bulletin

Due to the current COVID restrictions, the PSA/POVB was unable to host the planned June/July Delegates to Management (DTM) meeting.

To address some of the issues that would have been raised at the DTM, a Zoom conference was held on 26 July between the POVB Executive and CSNSW management.

In addition there was an Extraordinary Delegates to Management meeting in March. The following agenda items from the Extraordinary DTM held in March were raised:

Body worn video cameras

The trial period has now ended successfully, with Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) realising the COPP needs to be changed to incorporate body-worn video. This change is under review and CSNSW will consult with PSA/POVB on the draft COPP.

2019/13 Memorandum: filling of vacancies

The PSA/POVB requested that overseers be put into the call sequence for the Filling Daily Roster Vacancies memorandum.

CSNSW agreed and the amended memorandum should be out by the end of the week.

Casuals: policy

The PSA/POVB raised in March that under current policy, a casual must do 50 hours prior to submitting an expression of interest for permanency. The PSA/POVB do not agree with this: If a permanent class graduates from the Academy, they are placed on probation for 12 months.  Casuals should have the same opportunity.

CSNSW has agreed to meet on this matter and other matters relating to casuals. Furthermore, CSNSW propose to start employing more permanent staff and only employing casuals who really want to be casual officers.


When staff charge an inmate with assault, the Police are asking for the address of the staff member. This information has then been placed in documents inmates have received.

CSNSW will put out a communication, telling staff to use their work location as their address. This will protect your privacy and safety.

Variable operational routines

The PSA/POVB have raised that there is not a consistent approach across the state regarding how variable operational routines are communicated to staff. Staff are also not getting information when the staffing profile changes for various reasons throughout the day/shift.

CSNSW has agreed to look at a consistent approach. This issue has been delegated to Director Slatcher and further consultation will take place to get a resolution that supports staff safety in the centres.

We have also asked that the consistent process be placed in the COPP.

OSU/cyclic rostering policy

In the March DTM meeting, CSNSW agreed to meet with PSA/POVB to address the concerns delegates raised with a lack of consistent approach across all locations and issues with the rostering policy and the business rules. This impacts on the flexibility for staff, which was promised with the introduction of cyclic rostering.

CSNSW agreed to combine the policy and the business rules and meet to consult on our concerns.

PSA/POVB have looked at the policy and a meeting was to take place prior to the COVID restrictions taking place. It has now been agreed to meet in the coming weeks via Zoom to address our concerns.

When we have more information we will issue a bulletin.

Higher duties

CSNSW has written to the PSA/POVB, stating its belief that an Officer can be directed to act up to a higher capacity if they believe they have the capability to perform the role.

The PSA/POVB do not agree with this interpretation of the Award.

We do believe a Senior Correctional Officers must work up if they can fulfil the obligations of the role. However, we do not believe that CSNSW can force COs to be the OIC of a C or B Watch.  We have stated the following:

  • There is minimal to no mentoring for staff in centres and court locations
  • There is minimal to no training for staff to expand their knowledge and proficiency in roles such as risk assessments for section 24s and bails/discharges
  • There is no career development and the MyPerformance system is not working
  • There has been no set process to determine who is willing to act up and then to give those staff the sufficient training to upskill them.

We will continue to consult on this matter.

Segregation cells

At the March DTM meeting, an overview of segregation cells was given to Delegates. Delegates did not believe the total number of cells were correct. The PSA/POVB have asked for another review of segregation cells that only includes actual segregation cells.

The following are new agenda items that were discussed at the July 26 meeting:

Talent pools

Two issues were raised in talent pools.

We have asked CSNSW to supply PSA/POVB with the outstanding numbers on the casual to permanent talent pools for 2018, 2019 and 2020.  This will give us an understanding of how many are left in these pools.

The PSA/POVB raised the fact that after the EOI for the Statewide Senior Assistant Superintendent was completed, a subsequent decision was made by CSNSW management that no Officer would be appointed to a position in their current work centre.

The PSA/POVB said that this should have been communicated in the EOI for transparency and not at a later time. CSNSW said the decision was made to assist in bringing a changed culture to locations. Whilst the PSA/POVB are supportive of a changed culture, it can only happen if communication to staff is clear and transparent.

The PSA/POVB also raised that this is extremely difficult for staff who will need to move their entire family or who have other commitments. If this is the process CSNSW is determined to proceed with, we will be seeking TECA for affected members.

Further consultation will take place on this matter and other Human Resources matters. There will be a meeting in the future to discuss all issues.

Bullying &Harassment and Changed Culture

New policies have been developed and the PSA/POVB wanted an update on what is happening to address the concerns.

CSNSW stated that there will be a training package developed and that this will be face-to-face.

Just Talk is being rebadged and will be now called Let’s Talk. It will be moved out across all of CSNSW in the coming future.

Conversion from .38 Revolver to Glock

At the March DTM meeting, Delegates voted to campaign and push for Glocks to replace .38 Revolvers.

CSNSW is currently opposed to this transition. Among other issues, CSNSW is concerned some staff in the Medical Escort Unit struggled to pass certification for Glocks and had to be moved back to a centre.

We will continue to raise and advocate for this issue.

Firearms reaccreditation

This matter is progressing. There will be both an online and practical component to the training, including scenario-based shooting.

We will consult further on the minimum length of time between reaccreditation.

Sick Leave reviews

The PSA/POVB raised that during the current COVID restrictions, it is imperative staff are not being taken to task over Sick Leave because otherwise they will not follow NSW Health Protocols to remain home when exhibiting minimal symptoms.

We also raised that Functional Managers need training on how to run Sick Leave reviews and the protocols around them. Staff are feeling these meetings are more about taking punitive action than supporting the staff member and assisting them to take less leave.

Sick Leave is also linked to inflexible cyclic rostering practices in locations where managers are interpreting their own rules from the policy.

If you are being asked to attend a Sick Leave review, the following should happen:

  • You should be offered a support person of your choosing.
  • Special Leave for COVID and Short Notice Recreation leave is not to be included in the review. Sick Leave that is converted to Recreation will be included.
  • You should raise any inflexibility in rostering that may have forced you to take leave.

Risk assessment: Francis Greenway Complex

At the March DTM meeting, a motion was passed for a risk assessment to be conducted on the staffing of the boom gate for the Francis Greenway Complex.

At the meeting this week, we raised that this risk assessment has not been completed.

CSNSW will be doing the risk assessment. Joshua Hamade from the State Executive will be part of the process and we have asked for at least one Delegate from the complex to be part of the process.

Issues register

Members have complained that management are either not adding issues to the register or are editing the issue before adding it to the register. Management have also been removing issues from the register once they are seen as resolved.

The PSA/POVB have requested a standardised set process be developed and added in the COPP.

If you are having difficulties with your issues register, please email myself and Jason Charlton so we can raise it with CSNSW.


Justice Health is trying to change from having a Mental Health nurse to a Justice Health nurse on RAIT, without any consultation with local management and staff.

Director Slatcher will investigate the matter and consult with local staff.

Goulburn PBCAP proposal

Goulburn is the only centre yet be finalised for PBCAP. Director Harrison has looked at the proposal and endorses it.

Goulburn POVB will be meeting this week to go over the proposal and then it will be put to CSNSW for approval.

Shortland RIT

A trial has been conducted for SCOs to do RITs at Shortland CC. The centre deems it appropriate for a stand-alone position.

Director Shearer stated that Shortland CC needs to submit the variation to staff as per the COPP process.

Justice Health issues

Dillwynia is having issues with filling the Justice Health Night Nurse. This Nurse has coverage of the whole Francis Greenway Complex and we believe this position should be filled at all times.

Director Slatcher will look into the matter.

CESU is still having issues with having Justice Health Nurse coverage in country locations. CSNSW is still pushing the issue with Justice Health and we will be updated on this matter in the future.

Pay rise

The PSA/POVB raised that it has come to our attention that staff were not paid the latest pay rise for higher duties.

CSNSW is working through this issue. If you have a discrepancy with your pay rise backpay, contact Industrial Relations and Payroll with the issue.

Meal allowances and backpay

CSNSW informed us the meal allowance is automatically being paid now and going forward.

The PSA/POVB raised that we would like to agree on a set approach for the backpay, as this needs to happen before the conversion across to the new payroll system JSAP.

The PSA/POVB have written to Industrial Relations and we would like to meet on this matter as soon as possible.

COVID Special Leave

CSNSW informed us that staff can now use Special Leave to go get their COVID vaccine. We have asked for communication to be put out to staff and managers on the use of Special Leave for this purpose.

Members are reminded that NSW Health protocols for all the community is not to attend work if you have the mildest symptoms and to go and get tested. This will not be covered under Special Leave: it is Sick Leave. However, as previously stated, this leave will not be factored into Sick Leave reviews.

As we get further information on all the above matters we will issue bulletins.

During these current COVID restrictions, the PSA/POVB is still operating. If you have any issues at all, please contact one of the POVB Executives.

POVB contact details

Nicole Jess Chairperson
0427 609 199

Jason Charlton Vice Chairperson
0401 500 976

Natalie Howes Secretary
0407 011 441

Mark Hutchinson Assistant Secretary
0410 031 963

Darren King Country Vice Chair
0407 935 039

Joshua Hamade Country Vice Chair
0456 249 991

Clinton Lamb Vice Chair Overseer
0400 709 144

David McCauley  POVB Industrial Officer
0419 022 767

David Bartle POVB Industrial Officer
0418 425 976

Trish O’Brien Welfare Officer
0412 120 391

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