Proposed Corporate Flexible Working Hours Agreement
Your Senior Delegates and PSA staff have met with the department at our last JCC and discussed a new Flexible Working Hours Agreement to replace the existing one which ends on the 15 December.
The proposal is for a three-year agreement. A copy of the proposal can be found HERE.
Apart from two additional clauses that deal specifically with some classifications in Training Services NSW, there are no changes to the existing agreement proposed.
The proposed clauses are:
- Training Advisors and Training Coordinators bandwith would be from 6:00am to 8:00pm
- Training Advisors and Training Coordinators should not work more than 45 hours in a week.
The agreement still includes;
- 12-week settlement period and up to six flex days in each
- Carryover of a maximum of 42 hours’ credit
- Carryover of a maximum of 14 hours’ debit
- Bandwidth of 7.30 am to 6.00 pm, excluding ECE field-based staff
- Coretime of 9.30 am to 3.00 pm, excluding ECE field-based staff
- Bandwidth of 13 hours for ECE field based staff with the earliest start being 7.00 am and the latest finishing time being 8.00 pm
- Coretime for ECE field based staff is a floating period of any 6 continuous hours (including a meal break of not less than 30 minutes and no more than 3 hours) within the bandwidth
If you have any questions or comments and suggestions about the proposed agreement please talk to your Delegates or email the PSA at and put 2019 Flex Agreement in the subject line.
Your feedback will inform discussions with the Department.
Keep an eye out for the next bulletin as the PSA will survey members prior to finalising the proposed agreement.