PSA advice on payment for Public Holiday on 22 September
Following the unexpected proclamation of a Public Holiday, scheduled on 22 September 2022, to enable a day of mourning for the late Queen Elizabeth II, the PSA member Support Centre and Organisers have fielded member enquiries concerning the pay entitlements for Short Term Temporary School staff engaged to work that day.
As always, the PSA advice is that if that day is your regular scheduled day of work, even if you are a Short-Term Temporary staff member (sometimes called casuals anecdotally), or a casual working under GSE conditions, you should be paid as normal.
The union raised the concerns of members with the Department who has provided the following advice:
“Given the unique circumstances of this Public Holiday and as the week following it is a school vacation, the Department will on this occasion pay the PH to those STT SASS and GAs who have worked on 15 September and who were also due to work on 22 September.”
Please note, the payment of the public holiday for STT staff will not be processed in the pay period in which the public holiday occurs but will be included in a subsequent pay period once the manual process for payment is completed.”
All other school staff will be paid as normal.
If you have any issues or concerns, please call PSA MSC 1300 772 679 or .