PSA Bulletin School Learning Support Officer Survey - Public Service Association

PSA Bulletin School Learning Support Officer Survey

Following on from a recent PSA Special Education Working group meeting on 5 June 2024, PSA delegates requested that your Union conduct a survey of School Learning Support officer members in relation to the following Industrial issues:

School Workplace Incident reporting

As you probably are aware it is mandatory for all staff to report incidents. An incident is an event that creates danger or risk to self or students that could significantly affect the health, safety and well-being of individuals and cause major disruption, impact on the effective operation of workplaces. These may include but not limited to spitting, hitting, kicking and near misses. It is also imperative that psychological incidents are reported as this can have a detrimental impact on your well-being. Incident hotline 1800 811 523.

Assisted Transport scheme

The PSA has received inquiries from members in relation to the role of the SLSO and assisted transport.  SLSO’s are not directly involved in the service delivery of the program which employs assisted travel support officers (ATSO) and contract drivers. However, SLSOs usually accompany the student to and from the vehicle at the school end of the travel. The securing of students in the vehicle is the responsibility of the ATSO and or the driver.

The PSA requests that members take some time to participate in the survey in order for your union to gauge the extent of confusion or uncertainty as to the role responsibilities of staff around the Assisted Travel scheme. Your feedback will enable the union to engage with the department to address any avoidable disputes within affected workplaces.

The survey will be open for 7 calendar days from today to enable the PSA to collate and advise delegates as to the current situation on the ground within schools. A further Bulletin will be circulated in early term 3 as to the outcomes and any advice as to ongoing role responsibilities for SLSO members.

The PSA thanks you for taking the time to participate in this important survey.

PSA Industrial staff

Industrial Manager – Julie-Ann Bond

Industrial Officer – Greg Shaw Senior

Industrial Officer – Sharny Chalmers

Organiser – Ann Attwater

Organiser – Marisa Bosco

Organiser – Susan Chee Quee

Organiser – Alison Crittenden

Organiser – Monique Anderson

GA Organiser – Peta Noke

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