PSA member VOTE: Department of Education proposed Flexible Working Hours Agreement 2022
The current Department of Education Flexible Working Hours Agreement 2019 is due to expire on 16 December 2022, covering up to the end of the current settlement period to 27 January 2023.
Your Delegates and PSA staff have been exchanging correspondence and meeting with the Department since the PSA requested early engagement over the agreement at our Joint Consultative Committee in late July 2022. We have also discussed the new Flexible Working Hours Agreement with the Advisory Groups for Student Support Officers and School Psychologists and the Corporate and Field Staff Departmental Committee.
The proposal is for a three-year agreement in which the PSA has achieved:
- Additional wording and clarity to the Statement of Intent and the If Not, Why Not? Commitment/Principles
- Improved ‘definitions’/terminology to be read in conjunction with the Crown Employees (Public Service Conditions of Employment) Reviewed Award 2009 (the Crown Award)
- Referencing the Crown Award, where applicable, such as Overtime and Dispute Resolution provisions
- Additional wording about managers being required to consult with and consider an employee workload and work/life balance and individual employee requests
- Managers to apply a team-based approach to delivery of operational requirements
- Commitment to undertake more training – of Managers and School Principals, with the launch of the new agreement.
The agreement still includes:
- 12-week settlement period and up to six flex days in each
- Carryover of a maximum of 42 hours credit (six days)
- Carryover of a maximum of 14 hours debit
- Bandwidth of 7:30am to 6:00pm (excluding ECE field-based staff)
- Coretime of 9:30am to 3:00pm (excluding ECE field-based staff)
- Bandwidth of 13 hours for ECE field-based staff with the earliest start time 7:00am and the latest finish time 8:00pm
- Coretime for ECE field-based staff is a floating period of any 6 continuous hours (including a meal break of not less than 30 minutes and no more than three hours) within the bandwidth.
Click HERE to view the new Flexible Working Hours Agreement 2022.
The PSA supports a YES vote. To vote, click HERE.