PSA Update: Award Variation with Venues NSW - Public Service Association

PSA Update: Award Variation with Venues NSW

As members would remember, at our last meeting on 11 June 2024, your PSA representatives provided an update on our discussions with Venues NSW and Public Sector Industrial Relations (PSIR) within the Premier’s Department. PSIR oversee all negotiations across the public sector.

While Venues NSW did not agree to be included in the Salaries Award, they have agreed to bring forward salary increases so that they align with the Crown Employees (Public Sector- Salaries 2022) Award. This will provide greater certainty around your pay increases and bring forward pay rises, so they are applied at the same time as the rest of the bulk of the PSA membership.

Subsequently, PSIR have submitted an application to the NSW Industrial Relations Commission, the court that deals with workplace issues, to vary the existing Venues NSW Award 2023. The PSA will be appearing before the Commission next week for the hearing.

What does this mean for you?

Employees will not incur any financial loss.

The adjustment include a 1.22% annual increase effective from the first full pay period on or after 3 February 2024, for all employees covered by the award. This increase is a pro-rata adjustment to ensure that you are not financially disadvantaged by moving the salary increase date and will be back dated to 3 February.

The change will simply align the award more closely with the fiscal year and the terms of the Crown Employees (Public Sector – Salaries) Award.

After this is paid, your next salary increase will be due on the first full pay increase from 1 July 2024. Negotiations are still underway on this increase, and we will update members when finalised.

You can read more about the salaries negotiations HERE

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