PSA update: General Assistants and Farm Assistants - Public Service Association

PSA update: General Assistants and Farm Assistants

The General Assistant Advisory Group (GAAG) met on 4 June 2024. We had a successful meeting, including a visit from the PSA General Secretary, Stewart Little.

Discussions around the following topics stood out and we would like to take the opportunity to remind the members of the following:


Working at heights

The GAAG reminds GA/FA’s that under the DoE Health and Safety guidelines you are not permitted to work above 2 metres using on a ladder.

Please refer to Safety Alerts No 3(issued 2004) and Safety Alert No 19 (issued 2008) both are still current. These should be held in the front office along with all the other Safety Alerts.

Working Alone

For all holiday periods, if you are working alone (no other Department of Education employees) are onsite, a Working Alone Risk Assessment should be completed. The process includes a conversation with the GA, with meaningful consultation in order to address risks associated with working alone. Key points to remember:

  1. GA needs to request the Working Alone Risk Assessment be completed, in writing.
  2. GA must participate and provide accurate information.
  3. For schools participating in Share Our Space – Remember to include this in the Risk Assessment.
  4. Call the Member Support Centre for any assistance, if required.

Chemical Safety

As the holidays quickly approach the GAAG wants to take this opportunity to remind members that you should be trained before you are asked to use chemicals in schools, this includes any concentrated variants of roundup/glyphosate and selective weed killers.

If you are asked to undertake work you are not trained to do, contact the Member Support Centre for assistance.

Dealing with bullying at work

When dealing with bullying in the workplace it is important that we raise our concerns with our supervisor/Principal in the first instance. Utilising the Department of Education Conflict Resolution and Complaints policy to address your concerns locally should be your first option. The Member Support Centre can help with assistance and support through this process.

This will streamline the process of returning to work, either in the same school or in an alternative, whichever deemed appropriate.

Workers’ Compensation

If any GA/FA are thinking of going on any form of Workers Compensation, it is advisable that you consult with the PSA Member Support Centre (MSC) and to contact call1300772679.

Share Our Space’

GA’s have raised issues with the GAAG around “Share Our Space.” These concerns have been passed on to the PSA Organiser and Industrial Officer, who have taken these concerns to the Department.

The GAAG reminds GAs and FAs that the ‘Working Alone’ risk assessments are designed to PROTECT you during the holiday period. It is a requirement that you have one done before each holidays. Speak to your Principal about completing the assessment. The Principal is required to sign off when it is completed.

Hip Hip Hooray!

The General Assistant Advisory Group (GAAG) wishes to congratulate Bill Martin(Chairperson) on winning one of the PSA Delegates awards presented to him at last months PSA Annual Conference. Bill has worked tirelessly on behalf of GA and FA members.

Bill Martin would like to say that it is great to receive this award, but It’s a team effort and the GAAG plays an important role with GA’s / FA’s concerns and it’s great for GA’s / FA’s that the PSA recognises us as a force going forward not backwards.

Upcoming Events


Members meetings

The PSA will hold members meetings by Teams on Wednesday the 17 July 2024. Keep an eye out for the notice.


GA & FA 2024 Conferences

The Department has sent the following information to GAs, FAs and Principals:


Secretary Murat Dizdar has committed to offering general assistants (GAs) and farm assistants (FAs) a 2024 conference that specifically addresses their professional development needs.


This conference will be hosted during the spring school holidays in:

  • Penrith on 1 October
  • Dubbo on 3 October
  • Wollongong on 9 October
  • Newcastle on 10 October.


Each day will open for registrations at 7:30 am for an 8 am start, and end at 3:30 pm.

At the conference, subject matter experts will deliver the latest information on roles, safe work practices and industry advancements including:

  • HR updates – latest HR role-specific updates
  • workplace health and safety best practices – essential safety protocols
  • performance enhancement – digital performance and development plans (PDPs)
  • Beyond Blue presentation – mental health and wellbeing insights
  • sponsors’ showcase – equipment specific to the roles
  • safe working procedures – compliance with safety standards
  • skills enhancement sessions – STRETCH manual handling.

The conference will also provide a great networking opportunity for GAs and FAs to get to know their colleagues and learn from each other.

For more details about the conference, as well as an up-to-date agenda, refer to general assistants and farm assistants conference 2024.

If you have any questions, please email .

PSA Industrial staff

Sharny Chalmers – Industrial Officer

Peta Noke – Organiser

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