PSA update on School Psychologist Award negotiations
The PSA, working closely with your School Psychologist Delegates, continues to negotiate with the Department of Education for a School Psychologist Award.
On 6 April 2022 the PSA and Department attended an Industrial Relations Commission (IRC) Directions hearing concerning the Award before the Chief Commissioner. The parties (DoE and PSA) jointly sought a listing date for conciliation to work through the outstanding issues relating to the Award. It was agreed that to provide the IRC with a short Joint Note outlining the background to the negotiations and where the matter currently stands.
The PSA informed the Chief Commissioner that we intend to lodge an interim Award application before Conciliation, to ensure that School Psychologists’ overdue January pay-rise of 2.5 per cent is paid without further delay, and is back-dated to the first pay period after 1 January 2022. Similar to last year, the Department has paid your School Counsellor colleagues their pay rise in January on time this year facilitating it via a one-year Award variation to the Teachers Award. Disparities increase with every day that goes by that School Psychologists are not provided this increase.
PSA takes action to secure your pay rise – Department objects
The PSA has proposed an interim one-year Salaries Award, solely for the purpose of applying your 1 January 2022 pay rise and adding the new classification of Leader, Psychology Practice. This would allow sufficient time thereafter to discuss the matters in issue for a substantive Award that deals with important conditions of employment, such as clinical supervision.
The IRC granted the Association leave to file our one-year Award application for its consideration. It should be noted that the Department does not agree to our one-year Award proposal and has made its objection known. This is despite the fact the Secretary announced to all staff early in the year concerning the School Counsellors that:
Rather than wait until the outcome of the arbitration in May, the Department has made an application for an interim Award to deliver a 2.5 per cent salary increase for Teachers and related employees as soon as the current Award expires. This is the maximum amount allowed per annum under the Industrial Relations Act. It would be effective from the first full pay period on or after 1 January 2022, ensuring our teachers and related employees don’t miss out.
Inconsistent treatment unacceptable – Award filed 26 April
The PSA finds the Department’s inconsistent treatment of School Psychologists and School Counsellors on pay and a number of other matters to be unacceptable. We will continue to raise this at Conciliation.
The PSA filed a one-year interim salaries Award on 26 April 2022 in the IRC and it has listed Conciliation for 3 May 2022.
Your PSA Delegates will be engaged in the Conciliation proceedings, just as they have been involved in the Award negotiation meetings since November last year. At conciliation we will argue that the growing disparity in pay should be immediately addressed irrespective of the progression of negotiations toward the substantive conditions Award.
The PSA will continue to keep members informed, as the negotiations progress.