RMS and TfNSW Award negotiation update: Meeting 1 and dispute progress
Last week the PSA and combined unions notified Transport for NSW (TfNSW) of a dispute concerning its engagement, or lack thereof, in the Award negotiations. We believe we have provided ample notice for TfNSW to have secured authority to commence negotiations with its bargaining parameters and logs of claims to serve on the combined unions. Still, this is yet to occur. As a result, the dispute process is currently being exhausted, with the combined unions meeting with TfNSW on Friday, 1 April 2022.
Notwithstanding the dispute being on foot, the PSA and combined unions, in good faith, proceeded to commence discussion with TfNSW on specific claims on 28 March.
The meeting on 28 March covered claims that were specifically related to WHS. These claims should have been relatively uncontentious as ensuring employees’ safety should be a matter of shared interest.
You can see the specific clauses put forward HERE; those put forward by the PSA on behalf of members and supported by the combined unions are items 1-2 and 4-9.
The response from TfNSW in the meeting was relatively underwhelming. Hiding behind NSW Government-wide policy, its preliminary view was all items, bar item 5, were policy matters. However, it would take the clauses away and consider them further with a response in writing to be provided. We anticipate a response next week.
A further meeting is scheduled for 5 April 2022 to discuss claims related to flexible working arrangements and flexible working hours.
The PSA intends on holding member meetings the week of 11 April 2022 to inform members in detail about the progress of the Award negotiations. We will send those details out soon.